Dan's Resume Page
Scuba Diving
Our 1999 Wedding
The Kitties
Dan's Dodge Truck Page
Welcome to Our New Home Page!
Over the years a lot has changed in our lives and finally we have updated our website so you can share in those
changes. The biggest change was our marriage in June of 1999 and then the purchase of our first home in May of 2000.
In the summer of 2000, we brought home two new additions, our cats Salem and Zeus. Often referred to as
"the boys" they have brought much joy and love into our lives and our home.
As you navigate through the site, you will find travel destinations Dan and I have been to over the past few years.
We've visited several islands in the Caribbean and just recently visited Antigua this summer for our 3rd wedding
anniversary. The site also contains recipes from our kitchen, and pictures of our wedding.
