Glad you decided to continue. I will now tell you a little about myself.
You have probably guessed that I enjoy the computer
(if not this page would not be here for your enjoyment *LOL*)
Another good guess would be Angels
(kinda obvious if you read every page!)
But the one thing I enjoy the most, our Honda motorcycle!
I love the feeling of freedom
I was a stay at home mom untill May 1998
(my girls didn't seem to need me around as much anymore *sigh*)
I found a job at a day care and ended up working with 24 three year olds
(Of course, they were all little angels)
After 3 years I decided it was time to move on.
I now work at a plumbing, septic tank service as an office assistant.
There are 3 women and 12 men!
I can tell you, it is an adventure every day!! heheheh

you say you would like to see a picture of me
ok if you insist!
Here is a pic of Richard and me taken Dec. 27, 1997

I just want to say I am a full figured woman
When I found the site with the figures at the top I was ecstatic!
Finally someone had the nerve to say we are great just the way we are
We don't have to be ashamed of it! Not everyone has to be thin,
this world is made up of lots of different types of people,
that is what makes it wonderful.
Please check out the great site where I found them.
