I'm Betty Lou Riley, Camp Director.
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Some Surnames Trees at the Forest are:
Beach Tree (McColm, and McGovney)
Billian Tree (Riley, Schaefer, Schilling and Lehman)
Brooks Tree (Young, and Lewis)
Broughton Tree (Riley, Stevens, and Nicholson)
Kirkendall Tree (Webb, McClary, Walk, and Ferguson)
Lewis Tree (Penn, Pell, Moore, Brooks, and Logstrom)
Moore Tree (Rideout, Cross, Gifford and Poling)
McColm Tree (Beach, McGovney, Smith, and Sherwood)
McGovney Tree (Clark, McColm, Douglas, Beach, and Crockett
(also McGoveney, McGovny and McGivney)
Ramey Tree (Billian, Stryker, Smith and Greenup)
Riley Tree (Kirkendall, Billian, Broughton, and Webb)
Stout Tree (Cole, Shumate, Morrison, and McBride)
Young Tree (McGovney, Stevenson, Brooks, Miller and Pendell)
Honorary Meritorious Service Award

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