These directories are not identical, and some have listings that others don't. As a result, it is a good idea to try more than one if you don't find the name you're looking for.
PEOPLE FINDER SITE U.S., Canada, and several other countries - very comprehensive.
TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES ON THE WEB. Telephone directories from around the world. (Not all include residential listings.)
CANADIAN PHONE DIRECTORY. Saskatchewan and Alberta not included as of 8/18/96.
ALUMNI Automated e-mail registry and bulletin board for the alumni of universities, colleges, and high schools in the U.S. and many other countries. (Free service for finding long lost friends and for organizing alumni activities.)
WHERE DID THEY GO? Database of individual changes of address, as well as name changes, new phone numbers, and new e-mail accounts, all accessible from the old data.
ALTA VISTA One of the best search engines on the Net.
This page was Updated November 19, 1997
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