Monastery of Saint Clare

A place of intercession, thanksgiving, adoration and supplication.


In the Spring of 1212,Saint Clare left everything to embrace the "form of Life" set forth for her by Saint Francis of Assisi. Thus began the second branch of the Franciscan family known today as the "Poor Clares" or the Order of Saint Clare. They number over 20,000 sisters throughout the world.

At the invitation of the now deceased Bishop Walter W. Curtis, five Poor Clare Sisters from different monasteries first arrived in Stamford, CT in December of 1985, to establish a cloistered, comtemplative monastery in the diocese of Bridgeport.

A Poor Clare is first and foremost a woman of prayer. She is one who has been touched by God's love so intimately that she desires to give herself as a gift to God through a life of love and contemplation in the Church. Her life of prayer is a continual search to know God.

This vocation enables her to enter deeply into the lives of her brothers and sisters everywhere with all their pain and joy. Living in the presence of an ever loving God, she brings the needs of the entire human family before the Lord daily.

The simple lifestyle of the sisters is made possible through the work of their hands and the God inspired generosity of others. All are welcome to e-mail, phone, write or visit the Monastery for prayerful support when going through a difficult time or to offer thanks to God for a favor received. The celebration of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours is open to the public. May all enjoy the peace, solitude and beauty of this truly Franciscan setting.

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