Where In the World have all the SHADDEAU's Gone?
This page is in hope that somebody will come across it having the SURNAME SHADDEAU in there lines...which I'm sure will not be very often. Due to the very low amount of SHADDEAU's in America, or anywhere for that matter, but I figure it can't hurt to try!
Okay here's a little listing of some of the SHADDEAU ancestors of my line, if for ANY reason you have these individuals in your line or even know of someone who does, PLEASE contact me as soon as possible.
I. John SHADDEAU b.? Canada d.6/28/1879 in Saginaw,MI
+ m. Elizabeth KING b.1823 Canada d.3/14/1895 in Saginaw,MI(Parents John C. KING and Jane LEROY)Children as follows:
ii. John E. SHADDEAUb.1843 Canada d.1/29/1922 Saginaw
+ m. Catherine Belill b.1850 d. 3/17/1920 in Saginaw/Children as follows:
iii. Franklin SHADDEAU b.1870 d.1917 m.?
iii. John H. SHADDEAU b.1871 d.10/6/1943 in Saginaw m.?
iii. Minnie SHADDEAU b.1874 d.? m.HERBERT or HULBERT
iii. William SHADDEAU b.1876 d.? m.Freida ?/Children as follows:
iv. Morse SHADDEAU b.? m.Marion GROEHN
v. Penny SHADDEAU m. Thomas CALDWELL
v. Billie SHADDEAU m.Micheal BEAKETT
iii. Dominick SHADDEAU b.1878 d. 1935
iii. Andrew J. SHADDEAU b.1882 d.1958 m.10/17/1906 Caroline BREMER
iii. Benjamin SHADDEAU b.1888 m.Fanchon ? (6/30/1895-7/17/1976)Children as follows:
iv. Mary Jane SHADDEAU b.?
ii. Delilah SHADDEAU b.?Canada NEVER MARRIED
ii. Francis(Frank)SHADDEAU b.? Canada m.Mary ?/Children as follows:
iii. Daisy SHADDEAU b.1874
iii. William SHADDEAU b.1876
iii. Ray SHADDEAU(daughter) b.1879
ii. Oliver J. SHADDEAU b.11/4/1851 Canada d.3/27/1926 in Saginaw 1st m.Margaret(Maggie)GLUCKY of Canada/Children as follows:
iii. Margarette SHADDEAU b.?Canada
iii. Henry Dominick SHADDEAU b.10/24/1876 in Swan Creek,MI d.12/30/1931 in Atlanta,GA m.Theresia Agnes FICHTER b.10/1/1879 d.10/27/1955/Children as follows:
iv. Margaret Catherine SHADDEAU b8/1908 in Camaquay,Cuba d.9/1923 in Atlanta,GA
iv. Henry Dean b.7/19/1910 Atlanta,GA d.6/1929
iv. Theresia Inez SHADDEAU b.9/5/1912 Atlanta,GA d.9/16/1985 Jacksonville,FL 1st m.2/14/1931 Ceree BANISTER, 2nd m.Bob STAMBAUGH, 3rd John RAULERSON-First 2 marriages produced children.
iv. William Albert SHADDEAU b.6/23/1914 in Eagle Pass,TX d.9/14/1984 Birmingham,AL m.Evelyn Louise MINOR b.9/7/1916/2 daughters
iv. Christina Elizabeth SHADDEAU b.2/20/1922 Atlanta,GA m.Arthur Maurice FREDENBURG b.10/15/1918/4 children
ii. Oliver J. SHADDEAU 2nd m.9/15/1881 Anna MORAN b.1855 Canada d.11/13/1893 Saginaw/Children as follows:
iii. Sarah Jane SHADDEAU 1st m.Sidney GUSTIN/1 child 2nd m.Fred Legg/NO CHILDREN
iii. John(Jack) SHADDEAU b.?
iii. Viola SHADDEAU b.2/29/1892 Saginaw d.12/11/1973 Montesano,WA m.George Stiffler Wisegarver b.11/13/1864 Lancaster,PA/1 child
ii. Oliver J. SHADDEAU 3rd m.11/27/1909 Elizabeth Cannon Newman b.? England/NO CHILDREN
ii. Stephen G. SHADDEAU b.1858 Canada d.9/20/1928 Saginaw/NEVER MARRIED
ii. Charles James SHADDEAU b.1861 Canada d.7/1/1945 Saginaw m.Catherine SEYMOUR/Children as follows:
iii. Henry SHADDEAU b.1884
iii. Hazel SHADDEAU b.? m.BURGESS
iii. Lorhena SHADDEAU b.? d.1/14/1916
iii. Irma SHADDEAU b.?
ii. Dominick H. SHADDEAU b.1862 Canada d.6/25/1935 Saginaw m.Margaret KELLY/Children as follows:
iii. William C. SHADDEAU b.1891 d.1/20/1948 m.Lula ?
iii. Lynn SHADDEAU m.after 1920 Angeline ?/2 children
iii. Franciscus Floyd SHADDEAU b.1888 d.3/14/1930 m.Marie ?/3 children
iii. Frederick SHADDEAU b.?
ii. Louis Napoleon SHADDEAU b.6/8/1863 Canada d.1/1/1921 Norfolk,VA m.Meddie Florence HAWKINS b.1870 d.1932/Children as follows:
iii. Chester Harold (Babe)SHADDEAU b.? m.?/Children as follows:
iv. Chester Harold(Chet) SHADDEAU,Jr. b.11/8/1925 Norfolk,VA m.Patricia Ann HENNIGAR/2 children
iii. Cecil SHADDEAU d.as child
iii. Charles Wesley (Wes)SHADDEAU d.?
iii. James Albert (Al)SHADDEAU d.?
iii. Florence SHADDEAU d.?
iii. Beatrice SHADDEAU d.?
iii. Leslie Napoleon(Let) SHADDEAU b.1/10/1890 Saginaw d.?Norfolk,VA m.Ethel Hattie JAMES/Children As Follows
iv. James Ray SHADDEAU d.young
iv. Doris Jean SHADDEAU b.12/21/1925 d.? m.1/5/1951 Gerald F. HOLTON
iv. Louis Lippman b.1917 d.11/19/1973 m.9/14/1937 South Mills,NC Willie Estelle AYDLETTE b.10/7/1918 South Norfolk,VA/3 children-only 1 included:
v. Ronald Lee SHADDEAU b.12/17/1940/Children As Follows:
vi. Rodney Lee SHADDEAU b.5/18/1973
vi. ME! b.2/3/1977
I haven't posted some of the dates and areas in order for a little privacy. This is every one known thus far in my line, carrying the SHADDEAU surname now or at some point. If you have anything that connects, email and let me know...or I will be very disappointed! This surname is very important to me, so any information you may have would be very appreciated, even if just to tell me you've heard of a SHADDEAU in AR!!! This info. as little as it may seem, helps me to know where other individuals are with my SURNAME. Well that's about all for now, please do come back soon! You can email me at the following address:
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