This is short story is in hope to find the long, lost descendants of my great-grandfather James D. COX. James was from Bland Co., VA or Mercer Co., WV. He most likely was a young farmer when these events took place. James also fought in the Spanish-American War-Co. B. 3 VA Inf.. Please contact me if you have any information about James' first family.
James was born 6/25/1870 to Georg C. COX and Martha Ann TIBBS in Bland Co., VA. At some point James left home to start his own family. He meet a young lady(whose name I currently do not have)and soon married. James' wife was to have a child. Although when she was in childbirth, she died, leaving a baby girl for James' to raise. James was probably young and poor and did not believe he could afford to take care of his child alone. So as rumor has it he didn't want his wife's mother to have his little girl named Bessie Mae either. Obviously there were prior conflicts with him and his wife's mother. James ended up giving the child to a couple nearby named O'Hara. James was never again to see his first child. The point is, somewhere out there are decesendants of James Daniel COX, but the mystery is where and who? This is what I hope to accomplish...if you think you may have a connection to this story or it sounds any bit familiar, please contact me at the address below. I will try to give any other information needed involving James D. COX and Bessie Mae O'Hara. Thanks!
i. George C. COX b.1840 d.?(Parents Henry F. COX and Nancy UNKNOWN)
+ Martha TIBBS b.? d.?(Possibly names involved w/her somehow-R.L. TIBBS and Vica TIBBS)
ii. George Maiden COX b.around 1881 m.Nannie T. BROWN
ii. Enoch A.COX b.?
ii. Albert COX b.?
ii. Laura COX b.? m.?___ PORTER-Supposedly moved to Arizona
ii. Eliza Grace COX b.1870-1880 m.1894-1903 Robert Madison COX(relation unknown)
ii. Lee M. COX b.? m.Susanne M. GROSECLOSE
ii. Florence COX b.?
ii. Walter W. COX b.1884
+ Mary Harner (Parents B.H.P. Harner and Mannie UNKNOWN)
iii. Winton COX
iv. Audrey COX
+ ? Hendrick
ii. James Daniel COX b.6/25/1870 in Bland Co.,VA d.5/31/1941 in Rural Retreat, VA(Blacklick)
+ UNKNOWN(died in childbirth)
iii. Bessie Mae(gave to O'Hara couple)
+ 1907 Arizona HOUSEMAN b.1874(Parents Samuel Houseman and Martha Jane Lipes-further info. available these, email me)
iii. Son died Cribdeath
iii. Trula COX b.1913? d.1990?
iii. Ruth Jane COX b.10/1915 d.8/1982 in Smyth Co.,VA
+ 1937 Bessie Mae Thompson b.1910
iii. Harold COX
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
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