(More pics added: 11/1/00)
World Wide Message Tribe:
These are pictures from DC/LA'97, of WWMT. These are the only pictures from there and then that I managed to get scanned. I wish I had more for you, of all the things I saw that weekend, but I don't. Anyway, please enjoy the ones I do have. :)
And, finally, my Atlantafest '98 Pictures.
7ballguy.jpg This guy was representing 7ball Magazine (if you like music that's not Carman or Snoop or the Martins, you're gonna love this mag. It's very well written, and goes beyond the scope of music.) at Atlantafest. He was really cool and really nice, but I didn't quite manage to catch his name. So, this is mystery man, aka 7ball guy. Anyone that might be able to help me figure out who he is, that'd be very welcome. :)
eric.jpgThis is one of the guys I worked with, Eric Q. He's a security guy.. from this picture, you can see why he did such a good job scarin' people off. ;) Just kiddin, Eric.
josh.jpg This is another guy I worked with, Josh. He's playing with the radio that he was playing with the whole entire week there.
gilligan.jpg Yet one more guy I worked with, named Brandon.. or Brandon C. Gibson Gregg? He ran the website for Atlantafest, among other duties. He also does webdesign for other people/bands/companies. I'd put a link, but he seems to have fallen off the face of the planet. Oh.. and don't mind the drool. It may not be a very "professional" image, but work with it. The cow his arm is on is Bessey, my 5-year old daughter. (If you hear me talk about having a daughter before I get married, I'm talking about her. If you hear me talking about my baby, I'm probably talking about my cat, Ecstacy, who is about 3 and a half years old.)
Patty02.jpg Grouping of stage pictures. First comes Mancy A'lan Kane, then Jeni Varnedeau, then The Electrics. They all rocked.:)
Patty03.jpg 3 Caedmon's Call pictures, all of them on stage. Two from the direct side and one from the side of the front. Sorry if you have to twist your head a bit. :)
Patty04.jpg Another Caedmon's Call picture, this time of the whole group offstage, with me. I'm the girl with the caution tape on, and the cow I'm holding is Bessey. She doesn't moo anymore.
plane.jpg This one is me flying a plane. The guy in the picture is Darin, the hubby of my wunnerful friend, Reenini. Otherwise known as Renee or Eener. They live near Atlanta and both work for a certain Airline company I'm not sure if I should mention, so when I stayed with them after Atlantafest, they were kind enough to take me down to the flight simulators and let me fly. No further comment.
Tumes.jpg This one is Michelle Tumes and me, after her concert on the small stage. Let me tell you, she is an official Very Cool Person. Ayup, I wore that hat all week 'cept on Friday.
JeniV.jpgAnd another artist/me picture: Jeni Varnadeau. She is another Very Cool Person! And I *do* mean Very Cool. Not only is she a rockin' singer, but she Really, Really cares about people.
BAndG.jpg Brenda and Gordon with me on Friday. Brenda and Gordon are two of the adult leaders of my youth group, who came over to Atlantafest on Friday. (They were at a youth camp that week.) I'm wearing one of my headpieces (I have two, both that I made) and holding Bessey. Gordon didn't mean to make that weird face, I promise! :)
knapp.jpg Who else? Jen Knapp. I have a lot more shots of various artists on stage, but this one is the one I *know* I'd be killed if I didn't post. It's not exactly a "great" shot of her, but it came out nicely for a stage shot, I 'spose, and it *is* what she looked like at Atlantafest. Boy, did you ever know she wears glasses?
Ok. This first one was a concept by me that I drew out on paper a few times, but never did it compare to the WONDERFUL job on it that my friend, Matt Thelin, did putting the concept down on.. well, whatever it is that you'd call this. You can see many more of Matt's truly amazing digital artwork at the Digital Revelation. Anyway, the theme of the picture, (and I have a small replica sort-of in my locket) is "Jesus Came To Cross Out Sin."
This is one I did in a matter of maybe half an hour, probably less, when I finally got Microsoft Paint working. You know, you never know how much you use it 'till it's gone. ;) Anyway, this is just an example for those of you that think you're hopeless art-wise of what neat stuff you can do on the computer with, say, Adobe Photoshop Delux, which is what I used to put the "finishing touches" on this. I call it Phantom Dragon.
I will eventually be scanning in more pictures, along with some of my own visual art. I can't do very much computer art without the help of programs that do everything for you, but give me a box of colored pencils, a sketchpad, and some water-color supplies, and I can make something that at least resembles what it's supposed to be. It may not be for a good long while yet, so please check back, but not in the impatient sorta way. :)