Well, this is me.
Not very exciting, I know, but that's who I am. There are a few interesting
things about me I think, and I'll figure out what those are eventually
and put them down. I'm going to be taking computer art (graphics design)
in school next year, so, eventually, there will be some pretty neat graphics
on this page. (Don't we all hope so anyway.)
OK.. about me. I'm a Christian. I've studied Japanese for four
years, have one year of Latin, and one year of American Sign Language. I'm
really into the arts, all of them. I sing (I will, after all, be a professional
musician... performer that is... eventually) I write (songs, poetry, and a few
short stories. oh, and my name.) I act (impromtu stuff mostly, not in the drama
club or anything, tho I'd like to be...) and I love the visual arts. I just finished
a ceramics class, which was pretty fun. I also have quite a few 2-D
arts pieces (these would be drawings, designs, portraits, etc) that I did.
And, as I mentioned, I'll be taking computer art next year. I've been online
for a few years now, on aol, then compuserve, then the internet. Currently,
I use mirc and can usually be found on undernet, anothernet, or, most often,dalnet.
The rooms I hang out in mostly are #bannerman (dalnet)
#reb-st-james (dalnet)
#bighouse (undernet)
#Caedmonscall (undernet)
#soundworks (undernet)
and a few others.
Some music that I listen to would be.. well, it's nearly all Contemperary
Christian Music, and nearly never rap. Some of my favorites are: Lost and
Found, Dime Store Prophets,
Five Iron Frenzy, Caedmon's Call
of Clay, Sarah Mason,
Rebecca St. James, and much, much more.
For another, more complete list of the artists I listen to and others,
check out this page. I lived in South Florida
'till June 17th, and while there, my radio
dial never left WayFM, the home for great
Christian music, including (in south florida anyway) a Christian metal
show every Saturday night from 10 to 1. Every Sunday night they air Dawson
McAllister live, a great teen radio show hosted by (well gee) Dawson McAllister,
who also tours the nation with conferences for teens. For those of you
out there in South Florida that like rap, they have the music of all the
top dawgs in the Christian rap world played on Jam Session, hosted by Proverb
and DaKidd every Friday night, from 10 to 1. And on Saturday Mornings,
they have the WayFM top 20 meltdown, airing the best
CCM music for the week. But if you're not in South Florida, don't fret! They
have Wayfm as far north as TN, perhaps even more then that now. So check
out the page and tune in the radio!
I lived in sunny South Florida, the place with no seasons. It's not all
that bad, I just prefer there to be a change in the weather every now and
then. Yes, many of you northerners are wondering when the men in the white
suits are coming to pick me up, but seriously.. it's a nice place to visit,
but I didn't like living there. I'm a born and raised Yankee, and I really
miss the snow. I finally went on a ski trip with my youth group a little
while ago, and got to be in the snow again for the first time in 9 years.
It was real exciting for me, and made me want to get outta Florida even
more. Then I went to Lake Tahoe with my father and went skiing there.
That trip was really great too, 'specially since I had more time to ski and all that trip.
Also, I didn't have my best IRL friend doing summersaults and nearly breaking his arm. :)
On that note, there's a good chance that (if accepted) I'll be freezing
my rear at Northwestern University, in
Minnesota. That's where I'd like to go anyway. But for now, I'm a junior
(that'd be eleventh grade) in high school. Yup, I'm 16... but don't worry,
no licence yet.
Thanks to Reba for putting my two gifs together so well!
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