My Links Page: 

Well, here are a bunch of links for you.. they're catagorized, I hope.. 

Support related links, for emotional or physical, not technical :) 
IRC links 
My Favorite places on the web! 
My Music links.  

My IRC links... IRC Friends, and how to get on IRC. 
melvania..the online home of #bannerman, #melvania, and #soundworks.. a very cool page! 
Mystie's Page, a friend from #reb-st-james and the Rebecca St. James newsgroup. Plenty of links, and some neato spiffy stuff about Mystie. 
Marl's homepage..this is one cyuuute guy, and his page is really cool! frames or no frames, to make everyone happy. 
Reba's page, of links to pages she's made. 4 CCM artists, as well as pages about herself. 
Nate's homepage. learn about him, his fiance, penguins, and a great web design offer! 
Dorm of Calmuser. a neat page about a great guy! 
Whitney's World.. cool links, great info, and some really great things.. teen oriented, but great for anyone! 
The D. series homepages.. Fiona and Alia's pages: 1and 2 2 includes info about getting to irc! 
The Rebecca St. James homepage, home of the irc channel #reb-st-james! 

here's one of my favorite bands, and I don't think there's a link to their page on any other pages, so I'm putting a seperate link here: Lost and Found
Well, I'm too lazy to have music links directly to bands, but I am putting down a few great pages plum-full of links to music artists, all Contemperary Christian Music (CCM) 
The Christian Artists list, including links to official and unofficial sites for hundreds of CCM artists! 
NetCentral, including links to artists, books, music direct, and online chat, etc! 
ZJam..a really cool page.

OK, these are my other bookmarks. general stuff, friends from compuserve, or whatever.. anything that doesn't fit in the other catagories. 
Hazenet.. great page! all about Brian, muscular dystrophy, Cincinatti, and some models/teen starlets! 
My friend Rhiannon's homepage... this is good for those that like Dragons, Maryland, or other stuff..check it out whether or not you do, she's got lots of stuff there. 
Lynda's homepage: I don't know her personally, but she's got a great page here! she's an author of web design books. Also, check out her colors chart, for colors for your web page! 
Learn2.. A great page that has lessons in just about anything! 
The Door.. a really neat magazine, mostly on Christian affairs, but not like some holier-then--thou thing. Rather, trying to reform the church to what it should be.. in Luther's tradition, "Nailing it to the door" 
The Temperment Sorter Page.. I'm an ENFP.. how 'bout you? 
And while you're at it, how 'bout testing your IQ too! Now, don't take this test or the results too seriously, my results varied from 128 to 134 to 158 on the three tests I've taken.. not gonna tell ya what my real IQ is tho! :)

Here are various links to different support groups, alphabatized by what they're helping people with. 
Alcohol/Narcotics abuse: 
A homepage for Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) 
A homepage all about recovery, including links, for alcoholics 
Al-anon/Ala-teen, loved one of an alcoholic or narcotics abuse. This is is many different languages. 
Narcotics Anonymous homepage, including many links. 
Sisters, the women's alcoholic recovery page. 
Emotional Support:
A Mental Health homepage I found just now.
An IRC channel I hang out on sometimes, but thought the homepage belonged in this section more.. #depressed_channel
includes resource links, quotes, pictures of regulars, and other spiffy stuffs.
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