Hehe.. welcome to my page. This isn't much, as i'm pretty pathetic at web design, and have absolutely no life... but, feel free to look around and see what's it's like for us pathetic ones!  

The pictures you won't see on this particular page, but can find on this site.:)
This is the page about me. Like you'd wanna know more then you must. 
My links page.. watch out, it's long! 
NEW!! My poems! The best thing on my page is now here :)

I'm pretty into my walk with God.. it's the only walk I have in my life! Ok.. to clear up a point here. When I said I'm working on a devo, I meant that's what I used during my quiet time with God, not that I was helping to write it! Sorry for my wording:) At any rate, I've finished it now, and I found it really helpful! so, if you're looking for a devotional, check out Rebecca St Jame's devotional, 40 days with God, which I reccommend for anyone! I attended three churches regularly,when I lived in Florida: Coral Baptist Church, for my youth group mostly; BibleTown, for youth group and church; and SonCoast Calvary for Sunday School and church. Now that I've moved, I haven't found a new one yet that I feel real great at, but I know I will soon.
God is truly the biggest influence on my life, and my only real reason for living! 
I'm pretty sure God's called me to be a contemperary Christian singer, and I'm already a songwriter.. this is one of the reasons CCM's so important in my life, other then the fact that it's so completely cool! 

For those of you wondering why I call my page the Sparrow's Nest, listen to Simon and Garfunkel's song about a sparrow.. I think it's called Sparrow, but have no way of checking at the moment. That's how I was feeling that night, and often, so I made that my page. Also, a Sparrow is a song bird, which is what I am too, minus the bird and plus singer, I guess. Also, all of the many things that a Sparrow represents in Native American and other cultures fit me perfectly, so I've made that my own personal thing. Anyway, Hope you enjoyed your stay! as I get more time and energy and whatnot, I'll be updating this.. 'specially if I actually find something interesting other then links to put up! 

But for now.. you can email me!  youngsparrow@geocities.com

Thanks to Calmuser for making the graphic at the top of my page!

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