We are located in Little Britain which is in the Kawartha Tourist region of southern Ontario, Canada. We have been activley involved in Rottweilers for over 22 years and unlike many other breeders don't have extensive lists of champions to our credit. We produce a litter only when we ourselves want another Rottweiler for the Show or Obedience ring, therefore to date we have only bred 4 litters. These four litters have produced a total of 27 puppies of which 4 have Championships, three have CGC's and one has her Canadian Championship, Canadian CD, CGC and over 200 visits as a St. John's Ambulance Therapy Dog. As all our dogs are family pets first, they live with us in our home--actually they let us live with them and occasionally we get to share the furniture.
To keep the loading time of this page to a minimum we have linked to all the pictures of our dogs on other pages. To return to this page after viewing a link, so you can go to other links, you will have to click on the return (back)button on your browser. I have also moved the awards this home page has received to the Awards Page. Please click on these links and visit the home pages they represent. This was all done in an attempt to make the loading of this first page easier and quicker. There are lots of people out there like myself with a slow computer and pictures drive us crazy. Remember some of these links contain pictures and will take time to load. I thank you in advance for your patience.
If you are wondering why the name ROTTFIRE, it is actually very simple. I have been involved with Rottweilers since 1976 - hence the ROTT - but I guess you already knew that. The FIRE comes from the fact that I have been a FireFighter since 1968. So to tie two of the interests in my life together I came up with ROTTFIRE. It wouldn't have sounded as good if I had made a kennel name from combining my wife, my kids and my name together.
Our dogs are bred from some of the best and most successful show and working lines in the world--- Bronco von Rauberfeld, vom Heidenmoor, Alf von Steilen Fels from Europe and from Wyreglen, in Canada, which have strong ties to some of the oldest kennels in Canada and United States.
These dogs have proven themselves extensively in conformation shows and obedience trials. Some of the top Rottweilers in Canada (the top Rottweiler in Canadian history--Ch. I'm Oliver von Damien CD. CGC) for many years have been produced by the use of Wyreglen dogs and bitches. Wyreglen produced our foundation bitch-- Wyreglen's Esprit de Coeur CGC, St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog (Echo) and our foundation male Ch. Wyreglen's Archon Odin CDX. AM. CD CGC St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog.
Presently our family consists of Echo, Reba ( Ch. Rottfire's Sweet Dreams CGC, St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog) and Grizz (Rottfire's Simply Irresistible CGC) who is still working on his other titles.
Its official----Reba is the #1 Rottweiler bitch in Overall Competition for 1996 as well as 1997 as scored by the Rottweiler Club of Canada--- I think it might be a first... but then I don't know of any way to check it. She is now retired from the show ring as we had her spayed in Nov.1997.....check out the RCC homepage to see other results.Currently I am president of the Sovereign Rottweiler Club of Ontario, and the Regional Specialty Chairman for the Rottweiler Club of Canada. I was a member of the Evaluators and Coordinators Policy Committee for St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs, which having done it's job in establishing a new Therapy Dog test, Evaluators handbook, co-ordinators guide book and member rule book, the committee was congratulated on a job well done and was closed with thanks.
I have also included a non breed specific by law that I started writing in 1992. You can view thislegislation and if you are in a situation in Ontario feel free to use it as a guide. It would be workable in most areas of the world if you know all the local, federal and territorial laws that would affect you.Having been involved with Rottweilers since 1976, we have an extensive knowledge of the breed and with our contacts we can to contact us at our e-mail address and we will help you to the answer virtually any questions you may have. So feel free best of our capabilities.
Remember when acquiring any dog your best weapon for making the right choice is knowledge.
We recommend that if your are interested in acquiring a Rottweiler contact your local Breed Club, National Breed Club or your National Kennel Club for references and guides to quality breeders in your area. If you are not satisfied with their answers or unsure of who to approach contact us and we will do our best to guide you to breeders we know in your area or the appropriate organizations.
An extremely important page for all dog owners to visit is thislegislationinformation page. Jan Cooper works very hard in maintaining this page and it is done to keep dog owners informed of the dangerous trend in the over legislation of dog owners. It is definitely a problem that concerns all of us.
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ROTTWEILER CLUB OF CANADAThe National Club--the club with the ear of the CKC. Also involved in Seiger shows, CKC Conformation and Obedience and now working to get us recognised by the IFR.