Mighty Men is the name of the Men's Ministry Group at Tri-Cities Baptist Church in Gray , Tennessee where I attend. This group was started 3 years ago as a result of more than 50 of our men attending Promise Keeper Conferences. See I Chronicles chapter 12 for a description of Mighty Men. Also read the book Standing Tall by Steve Farrar. 



10 Priorities of A Mighty Man


  1. Personal, intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ (Mark 1:35).
    On my knees I can rise above anything.
  2. A man of the Word - Bible based living (Matt 4)
  3. Love my wife - as Christ loves the Church, gloriously (Eph 5:25)
  4. Teach my children - impress the Word as we talk, sit, walk, lie down, get up (Deut 6:5-7).
  5. Lifestyle witness, along the way. (Matt 28:20, Acts 1:8)
    What must I do with this man Jesus.
  6. Do my work as unto the Lord. (Col 3:23-24)
    Servant leadership, Integrity, Quality. Job, not a career.
  7. Give - generously, cheerfully, sacrifically. (Malachi)
  8. Sing, praise, worship. (Luke 19:40)
    Ain't no rocks gonna cry in my place
  9. Be accountable to Godly men. (Ecc 4:9-12, Prov 27:17)
    Seek advice, council and reproof. Confess, pray.
  10. Listen to Christian radio (Phil 4:8)
    think on these things


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