Welcome to the new Z-WeB NeT!
This site has been redisigned to improve the interface, and make navigation easier. I hope you like the new look. I would appreciate your input and suggestions on how to make this site even better. Also, if you find any broken links or if you have trouble accessing any part of the site, please, send me an e-mail describing the problem you have encountered. This site works best with the latest version of either Internet Explorer or Netscape, and it is best viewed at a resolution of 800X600 or higher. If you have a minute to spare, please sign my guest book. You can control the cube and its spinning direction with your pointer. Click on image once to lock it to view, single click it to unlock, and double click will take you to our photo album with some family photos. When asked to log in use "zrinko@hotmail.com" as username, and pasword is "photos". |