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	ROSCOE - Dr. Muriel Victoria, 92, Wolfville, died
Friday in Eastern Kings Memorial Hospital, Wolfville. She
had served on numerous university committees and was
instrumental in organizing the Ninth International Botanical
Congress in Montreal in 1959. The body has been cremated.
Memorial service will be 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Manning
Memorial Chapel, Acadia University, Rev. Roger Prentice
and Rev. Dr. Freeman Fenerty officiating. Donations may be
made to The Muriel Roscoe Memorial Fund in Biology, Acadia
University, Wolfville. Born in Centreville, Kings County,
she was a daughter of the late Clarence M. and Mary Amelia
(Morton) Roscoe. She graduated from Acadia University with
a B.A. in 1918. After four years of teaching high school
she did graduate work in Biology at Radcliffe College, Mass.,
graduating with an A.M. in 1925 and Phd., in 1926.

	Dr. Roscoe had a distinguished career in teaching
and research, first at Acadia University from 1926 - 1940,
and then at McGill University, 1940 - 1947, where she also
served as warden of Royal Victoria College and was chairman
of the McGill Botany Department, from 1952 - 1962. She
served on numerous international botanical Congresses in
Montreal in 1959. In recognition of her outstanding
contribution to McGill, a large residenence wing of the
Royal Victoria College was named after her in 1964. Several
awards and a lectureship were also established in her name
at McGill. Her service to Acadia University was recognized
in 1982 with the construction of the Weston Research Centre
in her honour. She received honourary degrees from Acadia,
Queen, McGill University and Radcliffe College.

	She is survived by a sister, Mary Vestol, Florida;
several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by three
brothers, Harold, Miner, Robie; a sister, Eleanor. The body
has been cremated. Memorial service will be 7:30 p.m.
Thursday in Manning Memorial Chapel, Acadia University,
Rev. Roger Prentice and Rev. Dr. Freeman Fenerty officiating.
Donations may be made to The Muriel Roscoe Memorial
Fund in Biology, Acadia University, Wolfville.

(Src: The Chronicle-Herald, Tuesday, January 16, 1990, Page C10)

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       The King family of Pugwash, thanks this fine 
    lady for the following compilation on the Roscoe 
    family, she must have spent many long interesting 
    hours in search of the following information and 
    I am happy to have the opportunity to share it 
    with others.  This information is laid out as was 
    presented to us by Muriel, shortly after visiting 
    with the King family at Pugwash, and has not been 
    added to in any way.
    			signed: Richard G. King

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Roscoe Family Genealogy

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Part One - Theophilus

Theophilus Roscoe, b.____; m. Mary _____ (1777-1856) d.1853. Children: one son (?); three daughters (?). There is little factual information about Theophilus RUSCO and the lack of vital and other statistics means a decidedly unclear picture of this man and his family. It would seem that he was the eldest of Josiah Sweet RUSCO's sons. The first record concerning Theophilus is of his nominating his brother, Josiah RUSCO, of Cornwallis "to be his attorney and collect debts, etc., and to sell a parcel of land containing an estimated 75 acres on the North Mountain". This was in October 16, 1819. The land was sold to Benjamin DONALDSON, by deed, in 1820. "Also Theophilus RUSCO, late of Cornwallis, but now of Petitcodiac in the Province of N.B.", bought land from George FINCH and wife by deed (i.e., in Cornwallis). Evidently he did not remain long in New Brunswick as the 1827 census for Nova Scotia recorded him as living in Cumberland County, viz. "Theopholes RUSCO, Methodist, farmer, residing in River Philip, Cumberland County, N.S. Family, 2 males, 4 females, total of six in family." The Registry of Deeds in Amherst shows that Theophilus bought from John OXLEY "land at the mouth of the River Philip", N.S., on which Theophilus was living in 1831. Later, on July 1, 1841, he sold a tract of marshland "on the south side of River Philip,viz. 6 acres more or less, known by the name of Rushpond" to Josiah KING. This deed was signed by his wife Mary, as well as himself. At some time later, he moved to Goose River, Cumberland County (now known as Linden, on the Sunset Trail, Route #6, from Amherst to Pugwash). He died there in 1853 without a Will, leaving one child Eliza. His estate was administered by three persons who were appointed to do that for the "sole heir", Eliza IBBITSON, his daughter. A guardianship was set up to protect the interest of Eliza IBBITSON in the estate as she was a minor at the age of 14 in 1853, and recently had been married to Henry IBBITSON. The guardianship was settled in 1860 when she was 21 years old and of legal age. Mary his wife, died three years after Theophilus. A tombstone for "Mary RUSCO, 1777 - 1856" in Palmerston Cemetery, Pugwash, N.S., marks her place of burial. It is difficult to correlate the known facts concerning Theophilus and his family. Either the census figures for 1827 were incorrect in implying that Theophilus had four children at that time or all four may have been victims of an epidemic disease such as diphtheria or smallpox. Eliza was born in 1839 when Mary at that date would have been 62 years old. It seems probable that the earlier family had been decimated and that Eliza, "the sole heir" was a surviving grandchild, and brought up by Theophilus and Mary. When they moved to Goose River, members of the community thought Eliza to be their child. Red Line

FOREWORD: On February 26, 1793, Josiah Sweet RUSCO, stone mason, bought land from Barnabas Tuttle LORD, some 15 acres on the right side of Silas WOODWORTH's 200 acre division. This was in the Cornwallis township of Kings County, Nova Scotia. The place is known as Centreville. He built a house and established the family home there. At that date, Theophilus, was (?) years old; James was 9; Lydia 4 and Joseph 2. William was born three years later, in 1796. Josiah died in 1812/13. In September, 1816, Lydia married Oliver THORP and moved to North Mountain. In 1819 Theophilus left for Petitcodiac, N.B., but ultimately settled in River Philip. James had married Isabell ROBINSON and moved to Hall's Harbour. Josiah married Catherine ATKINSON in October, 1820, and took up farming across the Minas Basin in what later was called West River. William had married on January 4, 1820, Amy Miner PORTER and they remained in the Centreville home. It should perhaps be noted when Theophilus and Josiah settled in River Philip and West River, they still were in Kings County, although in the township of Parrsborough. That portion of Kings did not become included in Cumberland County until 1840. June 21, 1984, Muriel V. Roscoe

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Part Four - JOSIAH

Josiah, born 1791; married October 24, 1820, Catherine ATKINSON, daughter of Michael ATKINSON, Maccan; died February 13, 1869 age 78. Josiah was born and grew up in Cornwallis township. Later he moved to Canaan (now West River) across the Bay of Fundy, in the Township of Parrsborough, which, until 1840, was a part of Kings County. He was first a teacher and later became a farmer. In 1822 (Sept. 18) he and his wife, Catherine, sold some twenty acres of land he owned in Cornwallis to Michael MURPHY for &52,S10. On March 5, 1824 he was granted 300 acres (Partridge Island to Maccan area), the grant being given on condition of settlement; - also a payment of Quit-rent amounting to `two shilling sterling' for every 100 acres granted, to commence on the mid summer day after the expiration of two years from the date hereof and to be paid yearly and every year."(Grant Book L, page 48). Subsequently, Josiah bought several parcels of land in Cumberland County, and developed a large good farm. In his Will made in 1868, he left money and land to, his grandson, Josiah William RUSCOE, son of Stephen, and the rest of his estate to be equally divided between his wife, Kitty, and his son Stephen RUSCOE. Ultimately, the entire farm passed to Stephen. Josiah died February 13, 1869, of Asthma and his wife Catherine, a year and a half later, with burials in West Brook Cemetery. Children: Stephen A. RUSCOE, born April 29, 1821 married (1) January 20, 1852, Elizabeth J. LEWIS (daughter of Oman LEWIS) born January 12, 1829, died August 17, 1862, buried in West Brook, married by Rev. Samuel THOMPSON, Baptist; (2) December 31, 1863, Mary Jane RONY, born May 11, 1842, died December 11, 1919, married by Rev. Duncan MacKINNON, Presbyterian, died January 3, 1894 at age 73 years. Buried in West Brook. Stephen was the only child of Josiah and Catherine. He is reported as being a large, very strong and handsome man. Stephen's first wife, Elizabeth LEWIS, died of diphtheria ten years after their marriage. The third child Charles, also died of diphtheria at the same time. The first child Oman, lived less than a year and Josiah William died at the age of 29. Stephen's second wife, Mary Jane Rony, was a particularly beautiful woman. The two took over the farm in West Brook when Josiah became unable to carry on, and all their children were born there. After the deaths of Stephen and Mary Jane, the farm was sold to Stewart SMITH, son of Henry SMITH, Parrsboro. Children of the first marriage: a. Oman O. Roscoe born June 21, 1852, died May 14, 1853. b. Josiah William Roscoe born Aug. 12, 1855, died Apr. 11, 1885. c. Charles H. Roscoe born Sept. 28, 1857, died August 26, 1862. Died of diphtheria, buried in West Brook Cemetery. Children of the second marriage: d. Miner Edward Roscoe born Feb. 22, 1865, died Oct., 1928 e. Clifford Stephen Roscoe born Feb. 11, 1867. f. Willard Elbridge Roscoe boorn Feb. 23, 1869, died mid 1930's. g. Elizabeth Roscoe born Sept. 1871, died in infancy. h. Mary Roscoe born Sept. 1871, died in infancy. i. Burton Eugene Rosce born Jan. 17, 1875, died 1949, Pugwash, NS. j. Ada Glendella Roscoe born Apr. 11, 1877, died Mar. 21, 1947. k. David Leslie Roscoe born Apr. 25,1879, died July 30, 1919. l Eva May Roscoe born May 23, 1881, died April 12, 1887. (d) Miner Edward RUSCO, born Feb. 22, 1865 married December 28, 1893, Emma McLEAN. Miner was a mining man. He worked in the coal mines in Springhill, N.S., until 1901 when he went to Morenci, Arizona. There he worked in the copper mines until approximately 1921. He then managed the Company hotel, the Morenci Hotel, for seven years until his death in 1928. Children: 1. Bessie Roscoe born June 7, 1895, died in infancy. 2. Beatrice Roscoe, born June 13, 1897, married 1924, Clifford Roscoe NICHOLS (the NICHOLS family lived in Essex, England and emigrated to Conn., USA). Beatrice graduated from the University of California and taught English and Dramatics until she married. Her husband was in mining and worked different places in California, chiefly in the gold mines in the Mother - lode area. After much moving about, Beatrice and her husband settled in Santa Barbara and in 1979 retired to Walnut Creek, near San Francisco. Children: a. Mary Patricia born married 1948, Richard Hamilton. They have two sons, Stuart and Scott HAMILTON. 3. Glenn Roscoe born January 13, 1900, died October 8, 1982, married October 8, 1934, Dorothy McGOWAN. Glenn was an accountant. Children: a. Dorothy Lea born 1935, married --, died 1966. b. Milton Edward born 1937, died 1969. (e) Clifford Stephen Roscoe born February 11, 1867, in Parrsboro, married May 4, 1892, Ellen Cecilia McGrath, born 1864, daughter of Michael and Catherine McGRATH of Parrsboro, married by Rev. Harvey BURGESS, Methodist, River Philip. Clifford was a photographer in Springhill at the time of his marriage. To date there is no further record of this couple. (f) Willard Elbridge born February 23, 1869, married September 12, 1894, Carrie Blackburn SPROULE, daughter of James and Rebecca SPROULE, married by Rev. James SHARP, Methodist Church, Parrsboro. Willard worked in mining in Timmins, Ontario, and then moved to James Island, off Vancouver Island, where he was employed in munitions. In his later years, he lived in Edmonton with his daughter, Helen, and her family. He died there in the mid 1930's and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Willard's wife Carrie, had died in West Brook, ca. 1900, and was buried in the cemetery there, as was an infant daughter, Jannis. Children: 1. Jannis Roscoe, died in infancy. 2. Helen Margaret Roscoe born July 30, 1895, died March 29, 1969, married June 26, 1927, John TEMPLETON. Helen was about five years old when her mother died, and she grew up with ROSCOE and SPROULE families. She attended the University of Edmonton and taught in schools in Alberta. The Templetons lived in Edmonton. She died in 1969 and was buried in Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Edmonton. Children: a. William Roscoe TEMPLETON. b. Joan Margaret TEMPLETON. c. Mary Carolyn TEMPLETON. (a) William Roscoe TEMPLETON, born on Edmonton, married Mona McKEE. He lives in Pincher Creek, Alberta, where he is manager of a credit union. Children: 1. John Clarke TEMPELTON. 2. Scott Douglas TEMPLETON. 3. Margaret Lynne TEMPLETON. (b) Joan Margaret TEMPLETON married December 24, 1960, David Michael TOD, Physician. They lived in Hinton, Alberta and then moved to Nanaimo, B.C. Children: 1. Ian Michael TOD born December 29, 1961 in Edmonton. 2. Colin Kent TOD born August 17, 1963 in Edmonton. (c) Mary Carolyn TEMPLETON born in Edmonton, married April 30, 1954, Arthur Robert McDONNELL. They lived in Calgary. Children: 1. Brian Patrick McDONNELL. 2. Glenn Murray McDONNELL. 3. Douglas Keven McDONNELL. 4. Sandra Diane McDONNELL. 5. John Andrew McDONNELL. (i) Burton Eugene ROSCOE born January 17, 1875, was unmarried. He was a storekeeper in Springhill, N.S.. After retiring he lived in Pugwash until his death in 1949 and was buried in Palmerston Cemetery, Pugwash, Nova Scotia. (j) Ada Glendella (Dillie) born April 11, 1877, married 1902, John Alfred Ash. Dillie lived in Pugwash, until her husband's death, after that she went to Boston where she worked as a housekeeper. She was buried in Palmerston Cemetery, Pugwash, Nova Scotia. Children: 1. Genevieve Beatrice ASH born 1907, married May 7, 1924, Lorne Hezekiah KING. Children: a. John Herbert KING married 1949, Beulah MacCULLOUGH. They live in Toronto. b. Helen Madeline KING born November 20, 1926, died February 14, 1984, buried in Palmerston Cemetery, Pugwash. Married (1) April 1943, Leslie BUCKNELL, (2) 1947, John HOPPS c. Robert MacKenzie KING born March 18, 1930, died June 18, 1982, buried in Palmerston Cemetery, Pugwash, Nova Scotia. Lived in Toronto, Ontario. d. Lorna Genevieve KING born April 21, 1932, died November 11, 1990, buried in Memorial Gardens, Calgary, Alberta. Married Ronald Thompson and lived in Calgary, Alberta. e. Charles Edward Alvah KING married Eileen PATRIQUIN, live in Pugwash. f. James Tuttle KING married May 22, 1965, Gloria Dawn O'HARA, live in Richmond, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. g. Richard Glenn KING married, April 5, 1969, Shirley Ann ARMSTRONG PERRIN, live in Amherst, Cumberland County, N.S. (k) David Leslie ROSCOE born April 25, 1879, married Etta Frances SCHURMAN, born June 12, 1881, in Malden, Mass. Leslie went to Morenci, Arizona, and worked for his brother, Miner ROSCOE, in the copper mine. He later moved to British Columbia and died in Vancouver, July 30, 1919. No children.

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