Doesn't Mommie Love Us?
Peggy and Judy sat huddled together clinging to each other. Peggy was crying and Judy was trying to convince her they would be alright. Judy said " quiet a minuet so we can hear if she's gone." Peggy tried her best to keep from crying out loud. Judy said" I think she's gone now. Wait a minuet I think there's a light in here." Judy stood up and in the dark waved her hands back and forth above her finally hitting the tip end of a light bulb. She felt for the string that hung from it and prayed that the light bulb would work. When the light came on it blinded her for a moment then she looked down to see her little sister huddled in the corner with tears running down her cheeks. Judy said" don't worry, we'll be alright now. At least it's not dark anymore. Peggy asked" why does mama hate us and lock us in this closet?" Judy just shrugged her shoulders and sat down beside Peggy and put her arms around her and Peggy held tight to Judy. They had gotten closer to each other more so now that their mother started locking them in a closet when she would get angry at them. As Judy and Peggy sat there, huddled in the corner of the closet with clothes hanging all around them...and shoes on the floor,Judy said "look Peggy, there's a sink in here! Peggy replied" So?"Judy told Peggy how now they could have something to drink when they had to spend long hours in the closet. Then Judy and Peggy began to make plans for the next time they knew they would be locked in there again. Judy said " Yeah, we can hide some toys in here and something to eat!" Peggy said" Oh goody! Can we have some M&M's and cookies and cake...and..and." "Hold on Peggy, we can't put a whole lot in here or Mama will find it." "Oh, otay." Peggy said.Seemed like hours and hours went by to them when they heard footsteps outside the door. Peggy began to cry.."She's back!" Judy said "Shhhhhh, don't let her hear you." And Judy jumped up and turned off the light real quick and fell back down to Peggy's side.Judy prayed that their mother wouldn't find out they had had the light on in there. During the next few days Judy and Peggy little by little would sneak toys and food in the closet. Peggy come running to Judy one afternoon while they and their Mother was outside dragging a big blanket saying "Judy...Judy...can we put this in our hiding place too?" Judy turned pale as she looked up at their Mother hoping that she hadn't heard her. Luckily ...she hadn't. Judy ran over to Peggy and grabbed the blanket and whispered" shhhh...will you be quiet...we can't let Mama know! And besides it's too big." " But I get cold in there sometimes." Peggy said. "I know." Judy said. "We'll have to hide our sweaters in there." Peggy looked up at Judy and grinned real big as she felt reliefed to know that she wouldn't get cold in there anymore. Once again Judy and Peggy found themselves locked in the closet. This time it seemed instead of Judy consoling Peggy it was the other way around. Funny how little kids at the ages of 3 and 7 could act so grown up for their ages. But this time Peggy was the one to hold onto Judy as she cried."Does it hurt verwy bad?" Peggy asked Judy. "Uh huh." Judy sniffed and whispered. "I hate those ole cope hangders." Peggy said. Judy began to grin "they aren't cope hangders, they are coat hangers." "well...they still hurt anyways." Peggy said. Peggy stood up and leaned against the door and said" I can't hear mama." "Good!" said Judy.Then Peggy trying with all her might jumped up and down trying her best to reach the light.Then Judy said " wait a minuet I can reach it,I'm bigger than you." Then they sat back down in the corner and as Judy started to lean back against the wall she screamed in pain and raised back up quickly. "Wha's a matter?" Peggy said. Tears rolling down her cheeks...Judy said." My back hurts." Peggy then said "if I had me some meacin I'd make it better." Judy then told her that she knew one of them would need something like that ,but all she could find was a wash rag and bandaids. They could never understand why a sink with running water was in a closet. But this time they were glad it was. Peggy wet the rag and put the cold rag on the cuts on Judy's back. "Watch out!" Judy screamed. "I sorwy". Peggy said. "
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