Let me tell you a little about myself,
Bob and I have been married for 36
years now. We have two daughters,
and 5 Grandchildren. Jarrod,Amber,
Jordan,Joshua, Aaron and
the newest addition....
Born October 3,1998
I have been a School Bus Driver for 14 years.My next page is Dedicated to all School Bus Drivers. So please stay awhile and visit my pages...and Favorite links.
Click the Angel above to see a REAL Angel!
A true Story of Child Abuse
"Does Mommie Love Us?"
Click on the Picture to go to Chapter 1
I've thought long and hard as to whether I really wanted to do this. Write about what my sister and I went through as kids. I know that there are millions of kids that go through some form of abuse daily. I wasn't sure I wanted to open up old wounds, relive the nightmares. But then I thought of all the kids out there that have and are still going through some sort of abuse from their parents. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I know there were times in my life when I felt very much alone. Wondering why God put me on this earth? To be beaten by my Mother. To watch her beat my little sister and know there was nothing I could do to stop it. Then I couldn't understand why she hated us so. I knew one day she would hug us and play with us, and she always hand made our clothes. So she was a loving, caring mother right? Wrong. Stop and think today when you see a little boy or girl that is overly shy, timid, afraid of their shadows. That child more than likely is going through some sort of abuse. I knew people would look at our Mother and think "no way she would mistreat her kids. They are so well mannered,so shy." Well let me tell you those kids were beaten into submission! Peggy and I didn't DARE go against mother in ANY way, or it would mean beatings with coat hangers or anything else she could find. Or worse....we would be locked in THE CLOSET for hours. Our mother was a beautiful lady, and when she wanted to be she was the sweetest, kindest, gentlest person you'd ever want to meet. But make her mad....and RUN FOR THE HILLS! I hope in some way with my sister and I putting up this page that it will help even one child to know ... YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If you need someone to talk to please write me or my sister Peggy..we'd both love to hear from you. WE ARE SURVIVORS and you can be too! Periodiclly I will be putting different chapters up about our lives. That Peggy and I through the grace of God lived through.So please check back with us from time to time.
I am VERY PROUD to have recieved these AWARDS!!
Thanks to Paul,Marcia & Cody for this Award,Please visit their Homepage!
Click on the Bus Button to go to my School Bus Drivers Homepage
Click on the Leggos to visit my Grandson's page.