When I made my yearly visit to have my Teeth Cleanned with my mom,  It was lots of fun.  I learned all about my teeth and how important it is to keep them cleanned, and brushed twice a day. The dentist had some fake teeth with a big tooth brush so I could practice and show the dentist and dental higenest how I like to brush my teeth.  When it came time for my mom to have her teeth cleanned the dental higenest needed help.  She gave me a mask and the evacuating tube and explained to me just how to help her, and be her assistant.  It was so much fun to help.  When we got home my mom took a picture of me in my mask.  I sent a picture to my dentist, with a big thank you for giving me the experience of being a dental assistant for an hour.  I am adding the picture, so that you can see what I looked like.

Karen the Dental Assistant