I know I love my sister Brenda and my niece Ashlee and my brother-in-law John.
I graduated from Bella Vista High School on June 6,1997. I love to watch Videos, and play Super Nintendo, Do Art Work, Sing Songs, Type on my Typewriter and Computer. My Dad just got me a brand new Imac. My Mom and Dad do help me with my webpage and keeping it up-to-date. I love to Swim, in the summer. I am on a bowling league called the BLUE BIRDS. I am also in a Square Dancing Group called, "GUYS and DOLLS". I have fun dancing with some the boys, like Scott & Chad, and the Caller-Jerry.(go to my link page, to the squaredancing link,You can see a picture of him) I have many pets, that I have learned to take care of. They are a Poodle Dog named "Sandy King", a kitten that is named Cleopatra and I call her "Cleo". I have a rabbit named "Peter" (I had another one named Moppet, but he died) I love all my pets. We have nine chickens that are fun to feed and pet. They give us a lot of good eggs. Three are red and two are white, and now we have four more red babies. I wish that you could see them. I have fun on the Computer, and I love to get mail. If you would like to see pictures of my family please go to my Mom's page, she has lots of them.
On June 16, 1998, I started working at a place called, Pride Indrusty. I am learning some new things. Its fun,and I get my own Pay Check. I have problems with counting money, so I can't work in a store. It would be nice to work for JC Penney's like my sister Brenda used to do. Today January 21, 1999 I started to go to an Adult School for two days a week, close to where I live. I think I will have lots of fun there. Some of the classes that they have are Sewing, Computer Classes, Reading Classes, Music, and lots of other fun things to do, like Arts and Crafts.You can go to my school's webpage from my Link page too. In September, I plan on going to Oragne Grove Adult School everyday, and not go to Pride. I like Pride, but at School I can do more special things that I Like.I met a special friend, he is a boy in School,he's named is John Borowiak. Write me and tell me about your school and job.
"UPDATE- Aug.31,1999"
I just started this year as full time attending OrangeGrove Adult School. I Love It. They offer me so many new classes. I even have a 2 hour sewing class, and I am learning to sew on an electric sewing machine. I am taking Reading, Math, Drama and Choir, and lots of other classes. I still go bowling and Square dancing.
I had a fun trip to the dentist. check here to find out what happened and see my picture.
Karen The Dental Assistant>
You should look at my sister Brenda's home page, she has done a lot on it since she went back to Canada to live. I like the music. It is also nice to look at.
Karen Hicks
See some of My family Pictures
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LAST UPDATE 05/14/99
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