Any woman is eligible for membership who is no less than eighteen years of age and can prove lineal blood line descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence. She must provide documentation for each statement of birth, marriage and death.
Admission to membership in the NSDAR is either by invitation through a Chapter in your State Society (or Unit Overseas) or as a Member-At-Large. No Chapter may discriminate against an applicant on the basis of race or creed.
Acceptable Service
The National Society reserves the right to determine the acceptability of all service and proof thereof. The National Society accepts service, with some exceptions, for the period between 19 April 1775 (Battle of Lexington) and 26 November 1783 (withdrawal of British Troops from New York), as follows:
Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Military Service, such as participation in
- Army and Navy of the Continental Establishment
- State Navy
- State and Local Militia
- Coast Guard and Privateers
- Military or Naval Service performed by French nationals in the American theater of war
Civil Service (holding office under authority of the Provisional or new State Governments) such as:
- State Officials
- County and Town Officials (Town Clerk, Selectman, Juror, Town Treasurer, Judge, Sheriff, Constable, Jailer, Surveyor of Highways, Justice of the Peace)
Patriotic Service, which includes:
- Members of the Continental Congress, State Conventions and Assemblies
- Membership in committees made necessary by the War, including service on committees which furthered the cause of the Colonies from April 1774, such as Committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, committees to care for soldier's families, etc.
- Signer of Oath of Fidelity and Support, Oath of Allegiance
- Members of the Boston Tea Party
- Defenders of Forts and Frontiers, and Signers of petitions addressed to and recognizing the authority of the Provisional and new State Governments
- Doctors and nurses and others rendering aid to the wounded (other than their immediate families)
- Ministers who gave patriotic sermons and encouraged patriotic activity
- Furnishing a substitute for military service
- Prisoners of war or refugees from occupying forces
- Prisoners on the British ship Old Jersey or other prison ships
- Service in the Spanish Troops under Galvez or the Louisiana Militia after 24 December 1776
- Service performed by French nationals within the colonies or in Europe in support of the American cause
- Those who rendered material aid, such as furnishing supplies with or without remuneration, lending money to the Colonies, munitions makers, gunsmiths, etc.
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