Daisy - 12/21/00 07:21:32 My Email:poonchey@aol.com Human's Name: Janet and John from: Phoenix favorite treat: Cheese and ham What makes my wrinkles twinkle: hugs, tummy scratches,barking at the neighbor dogs favorite quote: Its my bed, its my toy,its all mine. | Comments: Dear Emma, It looks like you have a fun and cushy life, which we bullies are so deserving of. My mom thinks you are pretty darn cute. My mom wants another bully but I don't want one. I shouldnt have to share the attention that I'm so deserving of. Oh yeah, thats a cool life vest. I'll be checking back! Smoodges to you, Daisy P.S. I'm 5, I live in Phoenix Im a brindle girl. I have lived in Seattle too. I like Phoenix, my full sister Emily lives close to me. |
Frieda Schuurmans - 09/04/00 21:21:46 My URL:/bleyenhoek/ My Email:wr6231@worldonline.nl from: Holland | Comments: Dear bulldog lovers I enjoy my visit and your site beautiful bulldogslovely puppys. I welcome you to visit my site to. Good luck for the future Frieda |
Elmo - 06/25/00 03:49:09 My Email:terpuk@aol.com Human's Name: Tori and Jeff from: Charleston SC favorite treat: cookies!! What makes my wrinkles twinkle: the brush favorite quote: "The Amazing Retardo" | Comments: Emma rules!! We have her long lost twin, Elmo. He is three years old, and looking for love! We have been thinking about breeding him, but we need to get a hold of his AKC papers. He is the light of our lives, and the funniest creature on this earth! |
Hooch - 05/22/00 18:07:25 My Email:sexyjesse_7@hotmail.com Human's Name: Jesse favorite treat: Any Snack What makes my wrinkles twinkle: scratching my back makes my legs weak favorite quote: "It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog." | Comments: Hey I know you dont know me but I just want to say your bulldogs are beautiful. My dog is more of a brindle color and he's a little bit taller being that he is an Old English Bulldog. Well anyways I' ll talk to you later. |
Moses Dane - 04/22/00 01:09:15 My Email:LMNDane@aol.com Human's Name: Nicole & Larry Dane from: NJ favorite treat: pig ears | Comments: Please send me any information about bulldogs. Moses is 6 months old and we are would like to find more information about mating him and showing him. |
jaap and wil van veen - 02/13/00 20:57:00 My URL:http://www.van-veen-29.myweb.nl My Email:jaap@van-veen-29.myweb.nl from: the Netherlands | Comments: very nice site Please visit our homepage www.van-veen-29.myweb.nl |
James...James Bond - 01/14/00 01:40:27 My Email:rrduvall@aol.com | Comments: To be or not to be |
- 01/08/00 22:30:47 My Email:jlipford@bellsouth.net Human's Name: Judy Lipford from: Somerville Tenn | Comments: I think your pictures are wonderful. I had a English Bulldog several years ago and he was killed by our neighbor's dog one day when my son left him outside too long unsupervised. We have tried getting another bulldog to replace Patches,but, we finally agr ed, there's no replacement for him. We miss him terribly and really enjoy looking at all the pictures on the internet. Keep up the good work with the pictures for me to enjoy! Thanks, Judy Lipford |
Jeffory - 11/26/99 22:54:53 My URL:http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/kikuchibulldogs/ My Email:kikuchibulldogs@tinyonline.co.uk Human's Name: Sharon & Chris from: Burton-on-Trent,Staffs,Great Britain favorite treat: girl bulldogs What makes my wrinkles twinkle: girl bulldogs favorite quote: I'm mummy's baby | Comments: My name is Jeffory I am 3yrs old and my mummy's golden boy.She says she loves me more than anything including my daddy (ha ha) I have four sisters 3 of which are bullies and a staff bull terrier and two brothers who are both bulldogs but will never be as andsome as me.love your pictures Lots of Love Jeffory Kikuchi Bulldogs |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook
King Brutus - 11/08/99 19:45:25 My Email:abrams66@mindspring.com Human's Name: Richard&Lucy from: Georgia favorite treat: doggie bones What makes my wrinkles twinkle: squeaky toys favorite quote: no no bad boys | Comments: |
Toad - 11/06/99 01:37:46 My Email:wacha@pcpartner.net | Comments: Just checking to see if my Buddy Naomi is still out there somewhere!! Hope your out there and ok........I miss you. Toad |
Taz - 10/28/99 15:41:57 My Email:mdbabb@home.com Human's Name: Marvella Babb from: Calgary, Alberta favorite treat: pupperonies are the bestest What makes my wrinkles twinkle: my stuffed ladybug | Comments: Hi there! I was looking on the net the other day and found your girl Emma, she is just beautiful and I am probably a bit biased as she looks just like me. I am almost a year old and quite the charmer. Take care of yourself. What are you going to be fo Halloween. |
Diva and Tricks - 10/22/99 01:44:13 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/3839 My Email:whitehills@earthlink.net Human's Name: Mark and Kelly White from: California favorite treat: Cheese Puffs What makes my wrinkles twinkle: when dad comes home from work | Comments: We really loved seeing Emma...I hope you come and visit us...Mom says dont forget to look at my Chessie pals too.. ![]() |
Brisco - 10/09/99 02:25:15 My Email:beemeli@msn.com Human's Name: Melissa Bowersock from: Milwaukee WI favorite treat: Ice Cream What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Kleen Face favorite quote: Time for Dinner | Comments: Hi Ya' Emma - I iz a bully boy and I iz 16 munts old. I think you iz real cute! My mum says you look just like her first bully girl - her name was Emma too. If you want to see a picture of her, you can e-mail me or my mum! Cool site. Mum says I will ave one soon! |
MR.ANDREW MAGOO - 08/23/99 06:19:12 Human's Name: PAT from: UPSTATE NY favorite treat: DOGGIE TREATS | Comments: LUV THOSE BULLIES EMMA IS BEAUTIFUL |
King Wayne II - 08/22/99 11:46:46 My URL:http://kidzland.webjump.com My Email:kidz@exminster.co.uk from: Exminster - Exeter - U.K favorite treat: jelly beanz What makes my wrinkles twinkle: A visit to Kidzland favorite quote: The adults get fried where the true KIDZ reside | Comments: What a thoroughly splendid piece of webbery. Well done! ![]() |
maria - 08/20/99 06:14:20 My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/beluga/468/index.htm My Email:mhens@be.packardbell.org Human's Name: tessa from: belgium | Comments: hi very nice site i love bulldog,s |
Ringmaster - 07/23/99 00:17:00 My URL:/Heartland/Hollow/7724/gbn.html My Email:globalbulldog@webtv.net from: USA What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Great Bulldog sites favorite quote: Bullies are great! | Comments: Enjoyed your site! We have created a brand new Web Ring called The Global Bulldog Network. It's purpose is to link together Bulldog sites from around the world. We have just started and already have sites from Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, weden, Spain, South Africa, and the USA. We are looking for quality sites to apply. ![]() |
Butch - 07/11/99 19:24:04 My URL:http://www.jones1.freeserve.co.uk My Email:bandapart@jones1.freeserve.co.uk Human's Name: Jeanette from: England favorite treat: cheese What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Buffy Libby and Peaches | Comments: I enjoyed your web site |
Spike - 06/04/99 02:22:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/7724/ My Email:badbullie@webtv.net Human's Name: Connie from: Shenandoah Valley, Va favorite treat: carrots, ice cubes, and dog biscuits What makes my wrinkles twinkle: I love people! favorite quote: Woof! | Comments: Emma is so sweet. I think our bullie Spike would be just perfect for her! He loves bubbles and just turned two years old. He thinks he is Bad to the Bone, but he is just a big sweetheart! |
Spike - 06/04/99 02:22:32 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/7724/ My Email:badbullie@webtv.net Human's Name: Connie from: Shenandoah Valley, Va favorite treat: carrots, ice cubes, and dog biscuits What makes my wrinkles twinkle: I love people! favorite quote: Woof! | Comments: Emma is so sweet. I think our bullie Spike would be just perfect for her! He loves bubbles and just turned two years old. He thinks he is Bad to the Bone, but he is just a big sweetheart! |
Waddles - 11/19/98 22:36:44 My URL: http://www.members.iquest.net/~momandpa/ Human's Name: Pa Stanton from: Indina favorite treat: milk bones What makes my wrinkles twinkle: extra skin? favorite quote: bow wowwww | Comments: I enjoy your pages and your questions they are fun! ![]() ![]() |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Ida - 08/26/98 10:39:59 My URL:/Heartland/Park/8217 My Email:themissing@geocities.com Human's Name: Florence McLean from: Florence McLean | Comments: Hi, It is the most wonderfull pictures I have seen on the net - thanks for them. Can your come to take some pictures of my Ida :-)) |
Ida - 08/26/98 10:19:30 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/8217 My Email:themissing@geocities.com Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 20:43:59 My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com Comments:
Adam Green - 12/01/97 02:15:22 My URL:http://members.aol.com/regince/kennels.html My Email:Regince@aol.com from: York Haven, PA | Comments: Great Web page! Come and chat at Regince Kennels! |
Puddgie,Brindle,Elmer,Elsie,Jane and Stella - 11/30/97 18:11:12 My URL:http://pottsville.infi.net/~neenees My Email:neenees@pottsville.infi.net Human's Name: Pauline from: Orwigsburg,Pa. favorite treat: anything my mommy will give me. What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Elmer said, any good looking chick! favorite quote: Love Your Bully | Comments: Love your site, keep up the good work |
T-Bone Las Vegas - 11/20/97 05:36:56 My URL:http://access.mountain.net/~win My Email:win@access.mountain.net from: Pa. favorite treat: Ice Cubes What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Momma favorite quote: If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. | Comments: Emma, you live in a Wonderful World. |
Boy - 11/16/97 15:42:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9499/ My Email:Sandra@bvs.nl Human's Name: Sandra from: Netherlands favorite treat: All cookies What makes my wrinkles twinkle: My Teddybear favorite quote: Let me SLEEP | Comments: Hello, Like your site!! Love Bulldogs!! Kind regards, from Amsterdam, Holland |
El Chico del Sur - 10/27/97 04:04:42 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6955 My Email:nande@gte.net from: El Sur favorite treat: Red Dog What makes my wrinkles twinkle: More Red Dog favorite quote: "burp" | Comments: Justa sniffing around... ![]() |
Abby, Missy & Willy - 10/08/97 05:47:30 My URL:http://www.flash.net/lts~/paxton.htm My Email:N2bulldogs@aol.com Human's Name: Debbie Paxton from: Millboro, Va favorite treat: Pup Corn favorite quote: Please make me the person my dog thinks I am! | Comments: Emma, how nice it is to see you. What a great place to visit! Please come visit us sometime.Great job! :) |
Mopsy - 10/05/97 01:55:27 My Email:sbury@pacbell.net Human's Name: Jessica Marksbury from: Mother's House favorite treat: Liver What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Steak favorite quote: Where's my tail? | Comments: Your site ROCKS, baby! Mopsy :-P |
Dusky,Solomon,Riggs,Jake,Willow , Kramer & Taz - 09/13/97 13:03:48 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5541 My Email:germanshepherdlover@mindless.com Human's Name: TJG from: Fennville What makes my wrinkles twinkle: My friends :O) | Comments: Hi Emma!!! We think your site is just awsome. We all enjoyed the visit and hope that you come back to Michigan real soon!! Hugs from The gang in Fennville |
Carol - 09/09/97 03:28:48 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/3030 My Email:winwood@ils.net favorite quote: One day at a time | Comments: Hi Emma. So nice to chat with you after so long. Beautiful dog. Hope to chat again soon. Carol K. |
- 09/03/97 23:40:08 My Email:sanm@pacbell.net Human's Name: kaseyhead from: san francisco favorite treat: honey vanilla haagen-dazs What makes my wrinkles twinkle: a visit with emma | Comments: Emma, you're a star, i don't know what i'd do without ya. I kinda like your mom, too. |
Baby Hetaera Marebon - 09/03/97 05:45:44 My URL:http://www.cport.com/~mikeorr/b.htm My Email:mikeorr@tdn.com Human's Name: Mike Orr from: Longview, Washington favorite treat: Any kind of food in any amount. What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Paper sack full of toys favorite quote: "Luv Them Bulldogs" | Comments: |
- 08/31/97 04:21:26 My Email:shellik@ibm.net Human's Name: Sandy from: Alberta | Comments: What a great job you did on your page for Emma, thanks for sending it to me!!!! :-) |
Reyna, Miteka and Raven - 08/29/97 18:20:45 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9414 My Email:lair@msw0.attnet.or.jp Human's Name: Jacqueline A. Lair from: Misawa Air Base, Japan favorite treat: Any fresh fish treat our mom gives us!!! What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Running around the house imagining that I am chasing something...maybe a mouse. We especailly LOVE to do this at 3am everyday!!! favorite quote: Well us three have a fave quote but we dare not say, cause we are cats in a dog page and that would be WAY too dangerious for us to say our quote!! :-) | Comments: Naomi and Emma, you are doing a GREAT job!! Keep up the good work!!! :-) |
Diesel & Daisy - 08/29/97 12:30:47 My URL:http://www.flash.net/~lts/diesel.htm My Email:nande@gte.net Human's Name: Kerri from: Florida favorite treat: Mother Hubbard's Biscuits What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Stuffed Animals | Comments: Nice page Emma & Naomi. You did a great job! |
Gigi - 08/29/97 07:08:44 My URL:Oh you know it! My Email:danahead@bigfoot.com Human's Name: AuntDanahea from: up the street favorite treat: banana slugs and rice What makes my wrinkles twinkle: Naomi and Emma's love favorite quote: "Kiss my Grits" Flo from Mel's Diner | Comments: I love Emma and her mother and I love poop |
CH Macs Grand Diesel of Nande (Diesel to Emma) & Bradys Daisy of Nande (aka: Daisy) - 08/29/97 03:14:30 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6955/ My Email:nande@gte.net Human's Name: Francisco from: catching our breath in Florida favorite treat: Juicy bones!! What makes my wrinkles twinkle: puppies! favorite quote: "I y'am what I y'am"..Popeye | Comments: Heys Emma! yu's got a pretty cool page! |
- 08/28/97 18:30:15 My Email:mountain@televar.com Human's Name: Sheila Dunn favorite treat: Cheeses Pleases! | Comments: You have a classy page here! Love that Emma, she's a real "Honey"! My boys would go "APE" over her!!! |
Sherry L. Anderson - 08/28/97 16:32:49 My Email:sher-mi@enid.com | Comments: I LOVE Emma's page!!!!! |
Edie - 08/28/97 04:47:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/8145 Human's Name: Larene from: Iowa favorite treat: cheese What makes my wrinkles twinkle: playing with my rope favorite quote: I live to play and I play to live! | Comments: Emma you are a darling! Love the page! Tell your human to keep up the good work!! |
Emma Katinka - 08/27/97 23:37:35 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7754 My Email:Sunshine4U@bigfoot.com Human's Name: Naomi from: California favorite treat: Nachos What makes my wrinkles twinkle: a gud old fashoned gam of tug o war!! favorite quote: thinkin thinkin | Comments: Gosh I fink I forgot to warn all da oder bullys dat there isn't a spell cheker in da guestbook!! Dis is a test... |