I am the fifth dog my master has had over the past thirty years. All of us dogs have been loved and well nurtured. We have been spoiled but disciplined to behave as a good pets. I guess you can say we are really one of the family, treated just like a child. My masters have owned the following breeds:
- DACHSHUND - A very high spirited male who would fight with another dog no matter what size. He lived to be eleven years old.
- GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER - a bit hyper and didn't accept discipline. She was hit by a car and killed instantly at eleven months.
- BOXER - she didn't last very long because she had a skin disease and had to be put to sleep.
- MIXED BREED - (Lab and Terrier) She was a very good dog for the children. She stayed home and handled discipline very well. She lived to be fourteen years old. She was getting old and my master said it was very hard to have her put to sleep.
- VIZSLA - that's me...My master wasn't going to have anymore dogs, but after being without a dog for six months they found the house was very quite and lonely. They used a very scientific method to choose me from the litter. First they knew they wanted the largest female in the litter. I came from a litter of eight. When my master and his son arrived to choose one of us, we were in a gazebo playing with some socks. Well we were running around and soon it was hard to tell which one was which. After much frustration, my master just whistled and I was the only one to come to him. He then thought maybe I could be trained and selected me.
I am now six years old. We live on a lake in a rural setting in central Minnesota. Yes I have the best of all dog worlds. I can run free because I will come back when my master whistles for me. I have seventeen other dogs to play with and we get lots of exercise. My friends are labs and like to retrive sticks from the lake. I don't like to go in the lake but will run down to the dock. I really like to ride in the boat. I have such good eyesight I like to watch the bobbers in the water when my masters are fishing. I guess I have never been trained to hunt, small game, but I do like to chase butterflys, rabbits, squirrels and flys. I love to point at these creatures. I can catch a ball in my mouth right out of the air.
- Sleeping on my pillow, near the window, during the day so I can look outside.
- Riding in the car.
- Sleeping under the covers with my master at night so we can both keep warm.
- Sometimes I am so close to my master he can't turn around without stepping on me.
- I really love to hide under the covers.
My master thinks I am one of the best breeds of dogs.
This is my Molly!
Makes 2 dozen or more, depending on cutter.
- 3/1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 cups whole wheat flour
- 1 cup rye flour
- 1 cup cornmeal
- 2 cups cracked-wheat
- 1/2 cup nonfat dry milk
- 4 teaspoons salt
- 1 package dry yeast
- 1 pint chicken stock or other liquid (use more for softer dough)
- 1 egg mixed with 1 tablespoon milk for brushing
Warm chicken stock or other liquid to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in 1/4 cup warm water. Add chicken stock. Add all dry ingredients. Knead for about 3 minutes, working it into a stiff dough (or one you find workable if using more liquid.) Roll dough into 1/4 inch sheet. Cut with any type of cookie cutter. Place on baking sheet. Beat together egg and milk. Brush mixture over biscuits. Bake in 300 degree oven for 45 minutes. Turn off heat. Leave biscuits in oven overnight. (Note: There is no sugar or shortening in this recipe.) This makes two large pans.
Thank you for visiting my homepage. I am a student at VU class 821.
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