Grivel Genealogy - Grivel in the Netherlands

The name Grivel is a very rare name in the Netherlands. I am aware of only a handfull of people with that name, all of which are close relatives of mine. 'My' line of Grivels has been introduced in Holland around 1788, when Henry Grivel arrived from Switzerland. His descendants are summarized in the tables below.

In addition to Henry and his descendents, I have encountered references to a few other people named Grivel. Links to them will be given at the bottom of this page.

The Grivels in the Netherlands seem to have always had some affinity with the Dutch Indies (nowadays Indonesia). It starts with the second generation, where Henry Grivel dies in the Dutch Indies in 1824, and goes on all the way up to my own generation (two of my nephews were born there). Unfortunately, a lot of the records from Indonesian colonial times have not survived.


All the descendants of the first Henry Grivel are listed below in a few tables. The main purpose of these tables is to summarize the flow of the Grivel name through the generations. In order to keep the tables clear, female Grivels, those Grivels that did not survive into adulthood, and those of which I have no information except that they lived, are only mentioned with their parents.

The summary below contains links to the individual descriptions of the persons. Sometimes, the summary contains more information than is currently present in the individual description. The database used here is still being build, currently I have more information than is presented in the individual descriptions.

Table 1. Henry Grivel and Descendants
I have been able to trace my family name back to one Henry Grivel, who arrived in Amsterdam around 1780. He probably born around 1752 in Switzerland. In 1789 he marries Jannetje van Ringelenberg; they have eight children. Henry dies in Amsterdam in 1806. Three of the children (Anne Marguerita, Pierre Guillaume and Marguerite) die in infancy. Francoise marries Gerrit Kelderman and Jeannette marries Isaak Groeneveld. The two surviving sons are described below. The fate of the third surviving daughter, Annette Anriette, is unknown.
Henry Grivel was born in 1790 in Amsterdam. He marries Antje Coenradie in 1814 and has five children. He is a broker and civil servant. In 1825 Henry went to the Dutch Indies and died shortly after arriving.
His daughter Jeannette marries Jan van der Sprang van Lee; Lucretia dies in infancies. Two of his boys are described below; nothing is known yet on Pierre Jean.
Jean Grivel is born in 1799 in Amsterdam. He marries Sara Catharina Donselaar in 1824. They have six children. The oldest son is described below; nothing is known about Sara Gerardina, Jeannette, Frederik Pieter, Anna Elisabeth or Henri François. This family most likely moved to Wijk bij Duurstede; more research in archives there will be necessary.
Rutger Grivel is born in 1818 in Amsterdam. He marries Maria Dorothea Grim in 1845 and they have five children. He is a sailor and died as captain of a ship in 1861 in the Street of Formosa.
The one boy, Daniel, is described in Table 2. Of the four girls, two (both named Henriëtte) died in infancy; Annetta Maria marries Gerrit Niermans and Maria Dorothea marries Henri Bakkes.
Henry Grivel is born in 1820 in Amsterdam. He marries Cornelia Margaretha Brouwer in 1848. Their four children are all girls: Annetta (marries Hendrik Schalekamp), Jannetje Cornelia Margaretha (dies as an infant), Henriëtte Cornelia (dies as an infant) and Henriëtta Margaretha (dies as an infant). Johannes Hendricus Grivel is born in Amsterdam in 1825. He marries Alida Maria Le Febre in 1855. They have at least eight children, six of which (Jean, Johannes, Sara Catharina, Guillaume Jacques Luc, Jean Henriëtte and another Jean) die young. The surviving son is described below. Nothing is known about the second Sara Catharina.
Fredric Pierre Grivel marries Anna Jacoba Dorothea van den Bosch and has one known daughter, Anna Jacoba Fréderika.

Table 2. Daniel Grivel
Daniel Grivel is born in Amsterdam in 1850. His mother died when he was 7 and his father when he was 11. He either grows up with relatives or in an orphanage. When reaching adulthood he goes to the Dutch Indies where he starts a career as a teacher. Making up later for his limited education he eventually becomes Inspector of Education with the Dutch Indies government. In 1873 he marries Johanna Petronella Akkenaar; they have five boys. Daniel dies in The Hague in 1939.
Louis Henri Grivel Emile Charles Grivel, see Table 3 Antoine Christiaan Grivel. Has two daughters, Marianne and Elly. Eugène Grivel Theodoor Adriaan

Table 3. Emile Charles Grivel
Emile Charles Grivel is born in 1876 in the Dutch Indies. He studies Law at the Leiden University in Holland and then goes back to the Dutch Indies to make his carreer in the judicial system. At his retirement in 1936 he is a member of the "Landraad" in the Dutch Indies.
In 1917 Emile Charles marries Theodora Hendrika Muller. They have two sons. Emile Charles dies in 1962 in The Hague.
Rudolf Grivel was born in 1917 in Indonesia. He has three sons. Albert Grivel (alive)
Taco Grivel (alive) Emile Willem Grivel (alive) Hugo Grivel (alive) Eric Grivel. Marries Nicoline Smits (alive) Theo Grivel (alive)
Frank (alive) Mark (alive)

Unrelated Grivels

The following is a list of people named Grivel that I have encountered during my research and have not (yet) been able to link to my family. They are Grivels in the Netherlands and the Dutch Indies only; see also Grivel in the U.S.A. and Grivel in the Rest of the World for information about Grivels in other countries.

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This site is constructed and maintained by Eric Grivel (