Pleasing to the Palate |
"We must eat to live and live to eat" is a quote from
Henry Fielding's, 'The Miser'.
How true that statement is and throughout the history of mankind, there
has probably never been a single topic which has occupied the minds and
efforts of more people, than the subject of cooking. Whether we are professional
or amateur, we spend a fair portion of our day buying food, cooking it,
cleaning it, cleaning up from it, eating it, reading about it, and talking
about it. And, don't forget a sizable portion of our dollars are spent
on it. I would also be willing to bet that more words have been witten
about cooking than any other single subject and it looks like we will add
to that collection.
Our own tastes are varied and that will be reflected in these pages. One thing we have learned over the years is that you don't always have to spend hours in the kitchen to turn out a spectacular meal. Sometimes just a pinch of this or a pinch of that added to an everyday foodstuff can mean the difference between bland and something with a little zest to it. Next time you are in a hurry and reach for that bag of frozen peas, throw in a beef boullion cube and a pinch of sugar. It works for us!
The Essentials. At least from our point of view. Some comments about the equipment we use and some of the foodstuffs that we always try to keep on hand just in case we get a little inspired. This might be a good place check into if you are just getting started.
Food From Everywhere.Whether it be Italian, American, Greek, French or Chinese, this is the place with the main body of recipies. It doesn't specialize in any given area, its just a sampling of things that we enjoy. If you try one, please let us know.
The Guest Page.Still thinking about this. Maybe a place to send us your recipe but with a limited about of time to work with the home page this could get out of hand. Maybe our visitors have some suggestions.
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