Maps and Directions

To get directions from Main St. in Macedon click here

To get directions from your house to the park click the "Directions" link below; choose ''Enter Address'' and type in your address; click ''Set Start Address''

The park is already set as the ending point. Scroll down till you see ''Plan Route'' and click it.

At this point a map will be displayed followed by a promise to show you written directions after you acknowledge a disclaimer screen. When I tried this all I got was the same message.I was able to get the written directions after I used the''Zoom in'' and "Zoom out" feature on the map

All the maps and directions were printable. I hope this helps.

To see some maps to get a general idea where the park is and see the roads in and around the park click on the Maps link. I hope to have a map showing the location of the lodge in the park soon.

Maps  | Directions   |  Main page