The Irish Washer Woman The Dear Green Place Welcome Descendants of Martin Nolan & Katherine Lancaster This Year's Reunion When: Second Sunday in July at noon Where: Mendon Ponds Park - Southview Shelter Located off Rt. 65. North of Honeoye Falls Maps and Directions Believed to be taken at the first Nolan reunion in 1919 at Gates Grove From left to right Row 1 Clifford Patterson, Ab Crowley, George Doyle, Ray Nolan, Mike Nolan, Veronica Murphy, Bertha Nolan Sweeny, Helen Murphy, Florence O'Bryan Van Norman, Brandt (first name unknown) Row 2 Unknown, Ellie Nolan Dillon, Lydie Nolan Doyle, Murphy (first name unknown), Julia Doyle Nolan, Mary Jane Early, John Nolan, Unknown, Mabel Cass McGavern, Dr. J. S. Brandt Row 3 Katherine McCarten Murphy, Minnie Curran Nolan, Mary Jane McCarten Cass, Ella Curran O'Bryan, Mary Dillon Nolan, Unknown, Edna Koehler Nolan, Madge Rooney Cass, Anna Fitzgerald, Emma Doyle Kearns, Unknown, Dan Kearns, David Fitzgerald Row 4 Ruth Nolan Crowley, Ella Doyle Patterson, Hattie Nolan Crowley, Marie Burke Doyle, Olive Adams Nolan, Mayme Nolan Dillon, Mabel Nolan Church, Julia Doyle Hughes, Irene O'Bryan Lavery, Leo Doyle Row 5 John Rooney, James Nolan, Monro Cass, Mike Nolan, Dennis Nolan, John Cass, Michael Nolan, Michael Dillon, William "Bud "Doyle New Family Members Andrew Hoyt Born to Jeff Hoyt and Mary Beth Nolan Hoyt on December 10, 1996 Send me new birth info and I'll post it here If you have any questions or would like to add your name to the mailing list click here Have You Signed Our Guest book View Our Guest book Irish related links The Irish Family History Foundation Virtual Tourist Guide to Ireland Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann Irish World Music Centre Irish History on the Web Interactive Irish Lessons The Irish Tourist Board Celtic Music Archive Lark in the Morning Enya Home Page The Irish Times The Harp Page Irish Recipes An Doras All the above links and many many more can be found at Irish & Celtic Resources Other cool places The Patriots Drum and Bugle Corps and Winter guard Download the latest software The Internet Movie Database Virtual Tourist (world guide) National Address Server Free Counter Switchboard There have been visitors to this page This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page