Thursday, May 20th :

A month has gone by.

...Why do we not learn ??
...Why can we not teach ??
...How many dead and wounded are required for change..... ??

At approximately 11:30 a.m. On Tuesday, April 20th 1999

Someone at Columbine High School calls 911 to report that shots have been fired at the school.

Like most people, I have never met any of the victims and now through this appalling event I never will... I am not sure why I am making this page; maybe it is because not too long ago I was a teenager, full of hopes and dreams, puppy love (that I thought would last forever)..., studying hard to keep up my grades.
I now have the opportunity to go to college, to try and make my dreams come true, find real love, start a family...

I can not go to Colorado and comfort the loved ones of the victims, nor can I show my respect by attending any of the funerals.

I am making this page, because I wanted to express how I felt and I felt this was all I could do, hopefully through the messagebox, others can also express their feelings, frustrations and anger about this tragedy.

Cassie Bernall Steve Curnow Corey De Pooter
Kelly Fleming Matthew Kechter Dan Mauser
Daniel Rohrbough William Sanders Rachel Scott
Isaiah Shoels John Tomlin Lauren Townsent

Kyle Valesquez

I have been able to deal with all of this through creating this page, some of you might find some type of closure by using the "guest book" down below. I will collect them all and will send the ones pertaining to family and friends,...

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook


~ Some of the news coverage.




We all know that there were two more dead,... I will not name their names, nor put up their pictures. However their families are also going through a horrifying time, it is so easy to lay blame with them. I do not know the circumstances, If they should have seen "sign's" or what not. I feel for them too, and hope that they can also come to terms with all of this.

*** I have used a number of resources to get these pictures and names, if there is any copyright infringements, my sincere apologies. There was no time for that... under these circumstances, I hope you understand... sorry ***

This Columbine High School Tragedy Web Ring site owned by BrazenRaisin.
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