Highland Presbyterian Church Guestbook

The following are some of the comments and signatures of our visitors (including one test comment made by the Editor).

Carl Merritt - 05/22/00 01:12:29
My Email:cmerritt@hsnp.com
Where you are in the Real World.: Hot Springs AR
How you found us (link/search/Presbyring/other): browsing

Good Site.....

Mary Kay Litzel - 04/04/00 15:41:34
My Email:mklitzel@yahoo.com
Where you are in the Real World.: Ames, IA
How you found us (link/search/Presbyring/other): Bookmarked

I check in almost weekly to read your most recent sermon! Sending my love to all! Mary Kay

Jason Frisby - 12/15/99 13:34:12

I did'nt know we had a web site. It is great! Who designed it?

mbeam - 02/26/99 09:21:28
My Email:mbeam@direclynx.net
Where you are in the Real World.: Hot Springs
How you found us (link/search/Presbyring/other): search

There's a whole ministry out here on the net, and I am so thrilled Highland is on line and has been long before us "old folks" could get it together to figure it out.

Susan & Rhodes Stipp - 09/06/98 15:24:04
Where you are in the Real World.: Lafayette LA
How you found us (link/search/Presbyring/other): Demoninational Homepage

Great Web Page. We enjoyed visiting with you. God Bless you always.

Clare Kelley - 12/02/97 20:16:44
My Email:reclare@cox.com
Where you are in the Real World.: Holiday Island, AR
How you found us: (link/search/Presbyring/other).

This is the Editor's test of the new Guestbook - and your assurance that it does work.

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