Vintage Crochet Award
Awarded on 07/11/97
Welcome to my webpage. I hope to have lots of information up and going soon. I will also
have crochet patterns as well. So enjoy and look around!
To access the Pattern Page, you will find it
at Alorna's Pattern Page
I love to find old hooks... the older the better and have collected quite a few.
Debbie K. from Kansas is allowing me to share this wonderful picture of two
antique hooks she recently found. The bottom one is a typical bone hook.
If you have any interesting hooks I would love to see pictures of them. I have been doing
a lot of research into the older hooks. I would also like to share some other pictures
with you as well so I am starting an Antique Needlework Item page.
Please check out my antique sterling silver tatting shuttle!
Recently Kat Wilson and I started to go shuttle crazy! We have been experimenting with making our own
tatting shuttles. Here is a picture of our latest craziness! (shuttles made with balsa wood, brass & friendly plastic)
The middle brass shuttle was made by Kat and came out great... Mine is almost done.
Oh yeah! Forgot to tell you that one of our shuttles must have been pregnant! In
2-3 months my shuttles have started to increase by leaps and bounds. Here is
a picture of those I could round up on short notice!
Angels, Recent Projects & Family Pictures
Check out the Angels I have received from the Angel Exchange!
Check out my most recent projects.
Here are some pictures of my family.
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page as a
Starting Point Hot Site
Links to other sites on the Web
Crochet Partners:-------Lots of great patterns and crochet information
American School of Needlework:-------You probably have some of thier pattern books.
Crochet Guild of America..... now I have them listed straight!
Craft Yarn Council of America:-------Patterns, great info and links
Carewear:-------Patterns for Preemie's knit & crochet
Kat Wilson's Homepage:-------Crochet & Tatting, visit Kat today! Neat pictures.
crocheted fly tying page. Check out the 2 flys!
My 9 year old Son, Randy's Page. He's worked really hard on this!

© 1997 alorna@ibm.net
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