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Meet my pets......

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See a picture of Kayla Kayla is a spayed female Abyssinian cross kitty, born 1987. Because her previous owner let an ear infection go too long without treatment she has a permanent head tilt. She has learned to compensate for it very well and does just fine. She is a sweetheart.

See a picture of Jordy Jordy is a neutered male kitty, born in 1990. He's a sweety who loves to jump and lay in high places. Whenever I go to shut a door I have to look up top of it because more often than not he's laying up there. He's also my shoulder kitty and spends many hours sitting on my shoulders while I'm at the 'puter.

See a picture of Delilah Delilah is a spayed female, born 1987. She is the 'Queen Bee' around here. She keeps the others in their places. She and Yogurt were especially close and were grooming buddies. She misses him very much, as do we all.

See a picture of Misha Misha is a neutered male white kitty with a touch a grey at each temple. It makes him look quite distinguished. He was a stray so we don't really know how old he is. He's a love, but he snores so loud!

See a picture of Sheba Sheba is a spayed female blue cream Persian. We don't know her birthdate for sure, it's thought to be 1983. She is so special. I've never heard her growl or hiss in the entire time we've been together. She just purrs and purrs.

See a picture of Potpourri Potpourri is a spayed female, silver tiger. She's gorgeous and she knows it. She is a perpetual purrer. She can be a spaz sometimes, but she means well.

See a picture of Bumbles Rumplestiltzkin is a neutered male Cream Persian. He's a cute little guy. Kind of shy, but really sweet once he gets to know you.

See a picture of Zuchini Zuchini is a neutered male orange tiger and white kitty. He was a stray kitten that was hit by a car. He was so tiny he fit in the palm of my hand. He was born in 1990. Noone ever claimed him, so I adopted him. He is partially blind in his left eye but other than that he's fine. He is such a lover. When I get home from work he absolutely must be the first kitty I pick up or he snubs me for the rest of the night.

Rainbow Bridge page dedicated to my pets that have passed on

Poems and Songs Page

Tornado Page

Dreams Page

Television Shows Page

A page about my nephew Kyle

A page about my niece Kristen

A page about my nephew Bobby

A page about my niece Kayla

A page about my niece Sarah

Here are some links to other sites on the Web:


Click here to go shopping at Jo's Cybershoppes!

New Releases This is a place to order movies fast!
A page about Vachon from the Forever Knight TV show
A really neat site for animal lovers!
A wonderful grief support page for pet loss--you can post tributes to your precious ones here
ABCD.....Cat Club
A fantastic page about a Feral cat rescue organization
Another wonderful page called "Amy's Cat Collage". Beautifully done!
CATNIP CALICO'S POPOKI CORNER--A great site with tons of information about kitties!

A special page by a very special person!

This is a link to a hauntingly beautiful site called "Portrait of an Angel". If you're a pet lover you need to see this website.

In Association with Here's a totally awesome place to buy books online! I've ordered from them several times and have been very happy with the results. They were even able to get a hold of a used copy of an out of print book that I was looking for. Very fast service too!

You are the purrrrson to view my page. Thanks for being here!

Here's a really great place to go to buy music online! CDnow

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Page last updated on 10/30/99

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