Iris Speaks
The Authoritative Guide to Schipperke Care
If you follow these simple rules, we will make your life enjoyable beyond belief. We are totally
dedicated to our families and will put our lives first to protect our owners. Our needs are
simple, just the basics will do, thrown together with lots of love.
We are sensitive,caring little pets, who only desire to please our masters.
Once you accept us into your life--we're yours forever. We aren't those "crazy little
black devils"--we have a unique personality that just needs some basic understanding.
Iris the Schipperke's Ten Commandments
- When I am acquired please refrain from naming me Skip, Skippy, Skipper or Scooter. These names are
not original and do not properly represent my true being.
- Never let anyone call me porky, pudgy, hefty, sturdy or fat. I was born with this body
- Do not let anyone get away with calling me a pot bellied pig--remind them that I have more hair
than those little critters.
- Remember that I am a person too. You must, at all times treat me like any other member of the family.
- Do not complain when I leave my hair all over the house. Please remember this is the primary
reason why I am so beautiful.
- No less than two daily walks are acceptable. Do not underestimate my physical fitness.
I can probably outwalk you and still come home and chase you around the house.
- I need my own bed and resting place, but when I decide to use yours, do not attempt to
remove me or else serious snarling will result.
- I require an assortment of squeekey and chewy toys, including balls, stuffed animals and
pigs ears, that can be transported by mouth to any room in the house. Owner participation is
desirable for at least 30 minutes a day to keep me entertained and content.
- I was born to ride--any mode of transportation is acceptable, but my preferences are:
- CARS---Air conditioning vents must be functioning at all times. A window must be available
for visibility or a quick breath of fresh air.
- BICYCLE BASKETS---A soft cushion and a deep basket makes for an enjoyable ride around
the neighborhood (3 mile minimum). Mall parking garages are an acceptable substitute on major
- SHOPPING CARTS---I thrive on taking a cruise around my favorite pet store, Petsmart. It's
my favorite kind of grocery shopping.
- Do not attempt to remodel your home without first conferring with me. I need to have order
and do not like to have things rearranged.
A Few Additional Commandments
- Do not force me to be overly social with the rest of the dog community. I am very protective
by nature, and don't always relate well to my four legged friends.
- A closed door is my worst enemy. Keep it cracked so it is easily pushed open by my ever
curious nose.
- Do not attempt to sit and read or perform any other leisurely activity without having at least
one hand in motion on me at all times.
- Rapid hand motions and sudden noises are a no-no. I am a peace loving animal.
- Do not be alarmed when my head is buried in your shopping bags. My keen curiosity overtakes
me and I can't help myself.
- When I'm stretched out "froggy doggy" style, (tummy flat on ground, back legs outstretched), please
do not attempt to sweep the floor with my tummy--this is not amusing.
- During the hot summer months, accessibility to ceiling or floor fans is desirable at all
times. (DO NOT block my breeze.)
- Do not forget me around the holidays. A girl can never have too many toys.
- Some of us may exhibit more "devilish" traits than others-- As long as I have my toys and don't get bored I usually manage not to eat "non food" items. Since this can be hazardous to my health--please take this as a warning.
- Now we come to the most important aspect for my well being--FOOD. I like it hard, soft, dead or
alive, but most importantly, plenty of it!
Well, I hope these guidelines will help your owners properly care for your needs. If you have any
additional comments, feel free to contact me and we can share our experiences living with these humans.

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Costa Mesa, CA