Welcome to Sandy's World

Iris the Schipperke

This is a picture of a Belgian Schipperke, whose name means "Little Captain" in Flemish. Our Schip's name is Iris--she's a 10 year old bundle of fun. Iris was four years old when we adopted her from the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter. These sturdy little dogs were used to guard the barges in the canals of Belgium and Holland. They are excellent guard dogs and wonderful companions, especially for people who are active, as they can walk for miles and still come home and want to play. Be sure they have lots of toys to keep them busy!

Schipperke Sites

My Favorite Pastime

One of my great pleasures in life has been traveling with my daughter. Our best trip was two years ago when we went for a Grand Tour of Europe. We flew from LAX nonstop to Gatwick Airport in London, staying overnight before starting our escorted motorcoach tour of London, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland & France. This really was the best way to see Europe for the first time--having everything taken care of we were able to sit back and enjoy the sites. Below is a schedule of our itinerary.

SundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFriday Saturday

Depart U.S.A. Arrive London London/Bruges
Venice Venice/Rome Rome Rome
Lucerne/Paris Paris Paris/London Depart London

It was truly a glorious trip back in time viewing the best of Europe's history, art, music and cultures. The sites varied from the Old World Charm of the German Black Forest, to the canals of Venice, the ancient ruins in Rome, the beauty of the Mediterranean Coastline, the fabulous art in Florence, the tranquility of the Swiss Alps, to the exciting cities of Paris and London.


All Things Southwest

Having been born in Tucson, Arizona greatly influenced my love of the American Indian and Southwest culture. The art of Ted DeGrazia is a personal favorite--displayed throughout our home in needlepoint and cross stitch reproductions, stained glass, porcelains, and painting reproductions. His style captures the simplicity and beauty of the American Indian culture and the glorious beauty of our Southwest Desert landscape.

Traditional Style

Since childhood I've enjoyed collecting the traditional style of Indian Arts and Crafts. My personal favorites are sandpaintings, kachina dolls, baskets, carvings, pottery and weavings. We've also traveled extensively to the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, where the Eskimo Indians have their own unique style of native crafts. I've been told coming inside our home is like visiting a museum.

Music in My Life

Learning to play the piano has always been my lifetime dream. So, for the past year and one half I've been taking piano classes at Orange Coast College and Irvine Valley College. Also, I have taken classes in Music Theory, Music History and Appreciation. I plan on continuing with more advanced music theory and performance classes--the more you understand the music and its composers the better it can be performed. The Music Department at Orange Coast College offers a broad range of classes that appeal to both the Jazz and Classical Musician. They even offer a class in (MIDI), the use of computers and music--my next course of study. This comprehensive course teaches the use of Finale (a music notation program), and Cakewalk (a recording program). With plenty of practice, even an older adult can succeed at the piano!

On a closing note.....here are two of my favorite movies that just happen to be based on the lives of the great composers--Mozart and Beethoven.


Personnally Speaking

A long time Costa Mesa resident, I've been married for 25 years to my husband Bob, and we have one daughter, Jennifer, age 19. She is an accomplished pianist, working musician and piano instructor. Jenny studies Classical piano, but really enjoys playing Jazz and Big Band music with the performing groups here at Orange Coast College.

In addition to my piano studies, I enjoy taking computer classes and other subjects at OCC that peak my interest. I'm an avid tennis player and attend a gym at least three times a week where I pursue the never ending battle of total body fitness. Other hobbies that I enjoy are sewing, needlepoint, and cross stitch. Most outdoor activities interest me, especially bicycle rides to the beach, and long walks with Iris. But, most of the time you'll find me practicing the piano or surfing the Internet!

This Web Page is my project for the Internet and Web Publishing Class that I am taking at Orange Coast College. If the thought of getting on the Internet and making your own Web Page interests you--how about looking into enrolling in the class that will help you step into the future.

Send me comments on this page!

Completed in Costa Mesa, CA

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