"He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"
Charlie *B* would like to present his brother...
Tucker Bandi

On May 2, 1998, my parents and I went to the same shelter where they rescued/adopted me and we found my new brother. It was real strange at first having another doggie in the house. I'm learning to share all my stuff with him, and I'm slowly realizing it's much better having a brother to hang out with, two is always better than one right? We call him Tucker Bandi.

Why They Call Him Tucker
My mom and dad chose the name Tucker for a few reasons, did you ever see the movie, "Innerspace" with Dennis Quaid, Meg Ryan and Martin Short? Well, they had pretty much decided on Tucker for his name, he had been here 1 day when the movie came on and daddy really enjoyed watching that movie the first time he'd seen it so they watched it again. Well Dennis Quaid's character in it was called Tuck, so that pretty much cinched it. :o) Actually that name has been floating around since they adopted my brother, Bandit, but it didn't seem right for him or me. It really fits Tucker though, he loves to tuck his head into your armpit or under a pillow, he's silly that way. The Bandi is for our brother, Bandit, who passed over the Rainbow Bridge in June of 96....(please click on the rainbow to read his memorial)...
Our parents talk about him to us all the time. Mom thinks Bandit had something to do with bringing Tucker to us. The first moment she laid eyes on him at the parking lot next to the shelter, she immediately saw Bandit in his face. She just knew at that moment he would be my brother. She and daddy both say Tucker reminds them of Bandit, he has a lot of similar ways about him, their really weird that way. ;o) Brother Tuck, was guestimated by our vet at being about three and a half years old, he's a tri-colored beagle, and he's also neutered, just like me. Mom says we got flat tires. ~giggle~
We celebrate his birthday on November 2nd.

Our vet said Tucker was most likely a field dog and used for hunting. Well he's officially retired now. :o) Doc also thinks the people who owned him just let him go one day and maybe that's why the shelter lady just found him wandering the streets. He was in shelters for about a month before being transferred to the shelter near us. They were having a May Adopt-a-thon, and my mom found out about him on the internet. Each week she would check the local online shelters looking for a brother for me and waaaah-laaaah, there he was.
Mom says Tucker has taught me so much about just being a dog, and how being a dog is so much fun. I carry around a lot of stress, see I got a lot of hangups and fears since my former family didn't take real good care of me...(please click on my gorgeous profile to read my story)...
But I'm happier now, more settled and content. My mom says I'm doing much better since brother Tuck came, hardly any signs of Pica. So far, it's been great learning all about brother Tuck, and I'm teachin' him all about love and affection.
I don't think Tucker's had too much loving interaction with people. My mom thinks he's been deprived of that kind of stuff, so we have to teach him to want to be part of a family, he's such a loner. I catch him watching from a distance whenever me and mom are cuddling and snuggling. Now he's slowly coming around for some himself. He's real attached to daddy though, the same way I'm attached to mommy.

We're all teaching him that LOVE is a good thing. I'm teaching him about being a doggie person in a house filled with love and Tucker is teaching me about the fun things of just being a dog. ;o) I guess you could say we both have a lot to teach each other. We're all glad he's here, it's a Good Thing. :o)
Tucker's my older brother and I'm sure once he gets used to being here he will eventually look out for me, but for now I'm looking out for him, he's real thin and bony. I'm sure he'll get real healthy and fill out soon though. When he plays he leaps on me and goes for a semi piggy back ride, but for now I don't mind, he's not heavy...he's my brother.

On November 9, 2005, we lost our sweet, sweet Tucker to cancer. I will be updating this page to let you know what happened and how his death may help other dogs in the future but right now we are in mourning and I need more time. Charlie *B* is taking his brother's death very hard as are his daddy and I. Please keep us all in your prayers.
Godspeed Tucker, you are so loved!

This page last updated~December 11, 2005