"It has been said that animals open doors so that healing can begin. Let us humans always listen so we hear opportunity when it knocks on those doors...and creatively work with our animals to open them."
...Delta Society
Mushroom Dangers...
What Every Dog Owner Should Know

"To a dog the whole world is a smell"
This page is written to remind us dog owners of the dangers of mushrooms found in our yards, and parks and just about anywhere a mushroom will grow. Some of them can be toxic to our furry ones, even fatal.
A regular at the "old" Acme Doghouse bulletin board, I've come to know of a few cases where dogs either ate or licked at a mushroom and became ill. Unfortunately a few beloved dogs have passed away from this.
My two beagles,Charlie *B* and Tucker, were not spared this grief. They are always leashed and taken out by someone and yet they still got into the mushrooms, it can happen that quickly. I figured out what it was when they both vomited yellow bile and after investigating the yard, saw these
So if any of you find your dog sick, and the vets are having a difficult time diagnosing it, please bring the mushroom theory to their attention. Better yet, bring a sample of those pesky things with you to the vet for testing. They go by a few names, toadstools, fairyrings, etc. Let's all help each other to keep our furbabies safe.
The only way we've been able to get rid of them is you must dig them up by their roots. It's the only way. We don't use pesticides or chemicals of any kind on our lawns because of possible health risks to our dog's health, so until we find a safe, natural alternative to getting rid of these mushrooms, we will continue to dig them up every time we find them. We notice them in late summer to first frost, but that may differ from location to location depending on where you live. Lately, they've been sprouting in early spring as well. Our mushrooms weren't found in dark wet areas either, right out in the open, under the sun's rays.
I also think it might be worth giving your dog Milk Thistle. It can be found in most health food stores and some supermarkets/drug stores as well now. The Milk Thistle works on de-toxifying the Liver, which is the organ that is most affected. Please do your research and find out the dosage that is best for your dog.
I'd like to give a special *Thanks* to Carol..aka...Cj's mom, whose generous contribution of links added to my own. Her furbaby, Cj, also took ill from these *shrooms*.
I've put together a list of great links to help you either identify your particular mushroom or to see the symptoms that your dog may exhibit if by accident they've eaten one. If any of you would like to add to this list, or if some sites have stopped working, please feel free to
e-mail me, and I will gladly make corrections or additions..
Bad Bug Book Mushroom Toxins
the Puffball,Poisonous Mushrooms
MykoWeb:Mushrooms, Fungi,Mycology
Slime Mold
The Lycaeum Mushroom
Mushroom Identification
Lawn Diseases

This page last updated~December 11, 2005