"Time In A Bottle"
"Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog."
...Sidney Jeanne Seward
I would like to start by saying that I do not have a degree in this topic. I am just a woman who loves dogs and has been a DogMom since 1982. So, whatever experience and knowledge I have obtained I would like to share with all of you. Anything you would like to add please feel free to e-mail me, and I will gladly make corrections or additions..
Geriatric Care

"Old dogs, like old shoes are comfortable.
They might be a bit out of shape and a little worn around the edges,
but they fit well."
...Bonnie Wilcox
Bandit, our black lab mix, was with us till the age of 14-1/2. It was still not long enough for me but he got pancreatitis and from there he developed kidney failure and we were forced to say goodbye. It was a nightmare, in the sense that we, Bandit, hubby and I, fought so hard and did everything we could to try to hold onto him and him to us, (please click on rainbow to read his memorial.)
As I stated in the Diet & Nutrition page, this probably could have been avoided if we'd been taking better care of him. Our vet never told us about the special needs of a geriatric dog. We should have known better and have been more informed on our own, but our vet also should have steered us in the right direction. I'm trying not to place too much blame on our former vet, but he really didn't take the time with us, to tell us about preventative maintenance and good overall home care of our dog.
Once Bandit turned 6, he should have been getting check-ups and bloodwork done every six months, things can go wrong rather quickly with our senior dogs so doing this can catch things in their early stages. He should have been on a lower protein diet, and we should have been more aware of arthritis, cataracts, incontinence and other ailments that can affect older dogs.
Well, we know better now, please don't make the same mistakes we did. See to it that your older dogs are seen by a vet every six months and have a CBC,Thyroid, Stool and Urine test done also. Everyday, try to give your dog a real good massage, not only is it great for oxygen and blood flow circulation, it's also a super time to check for lumps and bumps. If anything seems suspicious, check into it. Watch for signs of too little or too much drinking and or urination. Keep them on a good diet, and watch their treats, weight gain is the leading cause of problems in older dogs, it can also lead to so many other medical problems. If they have any pre-existing conditions, you may want to check with your vet for a prescription food. You may need to alter their diets so be open to the possiblities. Don't forget to keep their teeth cleaned also, bad oral hygiene habits can lead to organ troubles.
When they get to the point where they can't jump up on the bed, or into the car anymore, think about buying or building a ramp for them to make their adjustment into old age less stressful. They may begin to lose their hearing or eyesight. This may cause anxiety in them, be aware of their changes and try to help them best you can.
They can't tolerate the cold temperatures as well either, so I would suggest making sure they don't sleep near drafts. Also getting them an orthopedic bed cushion or some thick padding for their bed is an excellant idea, as their bones and joints tend to become stiff and achey after a nights sleep. They have given you so much joy in their short lives, and loved you so unconditionally, it's the least we can do to make their transition into old age as pleasant as possible.
When the time comes where they can no longer enjoy life, and they are in pain, talk to your vet about options. Be there with them till the final moment of passage over the Rainbow Bridge.

The Geriatric Dog:Understanding Common Manifestations Of Aging
Dog Owner's Guide:The Older Dog
Canine Cognitive Dysfunction
Senior Dogs Project
The Geriatric Dog
Your Dog's Golden Years
Golden Years-Aging Pets
Chronic Medication and Info Chart for Senior Pets
Walkabout Harnesses
Telescoping DogRamp
Pfizer:Rimadyl Tech Bulletin
Senior Pets and Health Care>
Pepe's Page>
When Old Dogs Forget Old Tricks>
What Labrador owners should know about Rimadyl

This page last updated~December 11, 2005