"Dancing with Myself"


by Karen Franklin...Queenie II...June 5, 1999


Can you believe, its been three years, since the day I had to leave,
And although you cannot see me now, in this you can believe...
I am watching you from the Rainbow Bridge, I can feel you loving me,
And one day when we all meet again, oh how happy we will be...

My dear sweet Mom, I remember the day, when you first brought me home,
You found me hiding underneath a desk, and I was so all alone...
My little eyes peeked out at you, and you loved me from that glance,
I was so scared, but your gentle touch, made me want to give you the chance...
To show me love, and happiness, that only you and Dad could have given me,
I was Daddy's "bestest buddy" then, and I was as happy as a Pup could be...
Dad, you were my very best friend, through all the years I spent with you,
And Mom, you had that special touch, and I loved you so much too...

I had fifteen wonderful years with you, and you did all you could for me,
I'll always be your "love-Doggy", your boy, and as I watch you now I see...
The little ones I sent to you, Charlie *B* and Tucker the brothers I love,
I am smiling down on all of you, from the heavens up above...
When you think of me, think happy thoughts, and please try not to cry,
I will live forever in your hearts, and in the rainbows in the sky...
You mean more to me, than you'll ever know, and I love you both so much,
I can still feel your love, and the gentle pats, in your warm and loving touch...


A very special thanks to Karen Franklin,
whose creative and angelic talent add a beautiful treasure to our 3 year anniversary ((((((hugs))))))

Please visit her website... Karen's Pack...I'm sure she would love it.

**Bandit, your light will forever shine on in our hearts**

For those of you amused by this song...it was one of Bandit's favorites. Whenever his daddy would put this song on, he would run all around the house with this huge smile on his face and he would stand up on his hind legs and ask his daddy to dance with him....his ALLTIME favorite song to dance to was "Touch Too Much" by AC/DC, but I couldn't find a midi for it.

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This page was created~June 7, 1999
Last Updated December 11, 2005