by Karen Franklin...Queenie II...June 5, 1999
Can you believe, its been three years, since the day I had to leave,
And although you cannot see me now, in this you can believe...
I am watching you from the Rainbow Bridge, I can feel you loving me,
And one day when we all meet again, oh how happy we will be...
My dear sweet Mom, I remember the day, when you first brought me home,
You found me hiding underneath a desk, and I was so all alone...
My little eyes peeked out at you, and you loved me from that glance,
I was so scared, but your gentle touch, made me want to give you the chance...
To show me love, and happiness, that only you and Dad could have given me,
I was Daddy's "bestest buddy" then, and I was as happy as a Pup could be...
Dad, you were my very best friend, through all the years I spent with you,
And Mom, you had that special touch, and I loved you so much too...
I had fifteen wonderful years with you, and you did all you could for me,
I'll always be your "love-Doggy", your boy, and as I watch you now I see...
The little ones I sent to you, Charlie *B* and Tucker the brothers I love,
I am smiling down on all of you, from the heavens up above...
When you think of me, think happy thoughts, and please try not to cry,
I will live forever in your hearts, and in the rainbows in the sky...
You mean more to me, than you'll ever know, and I love you both so much,
I can still feel your love, and the gentle pats, in your warm and loving touch...