Jon Age 15

Now that you have met my Family come on in and have a cup of coffee with me. Kick back in the rocking chair and lets share the moment.
This page was last updated SUNDAY, 17th of April. 2005
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This is a Maine page
This is my family
Collin Age  24
Mary   My Wife :)
They are lovely...No?
Stephanie Age 23
Jenika Age 17
   And then there's me, Tom Butman Age 39
written by my Mom
God Bless Her

The ships began to gather
In the harbor that fourth of July
In respect to our Miss Liberty
They’d salute as they passed by.

The lady stood before us
Her lighted lamp held high
When suddenly I heard a voice
As a tear fell from her eye

I welcomed you to our great land
When you were down and out
I offered you a second chance
When you were filled with doubt

You arrived here in great masses
To escape from your despair
Was it freedom you were looking for
Or privilege and welfare?

Silver in every pocket
Streets that are paved with gold,
We’re the land of promise
Were the stories you were told

Well the gold is in my rivers
The silver in my land
The promise in my people
As they offered you their hand

If freedom’s what you’re seeking,
You’ll find it here with me
But hand in hand with freedom
Goes responsibility

You walked among my people,
Saw their heads held high,
Felt energy in their actions,
Saw a twinkle in their eye

If they fell down by the wayside
They didn’t blame their friends
They righted themselves and dusted off
And began their lives again.
What’s happened to our nation?
Where did we go wrong?
What sapped our strength and weakened us
When we were once so strong?

Were we careless in our actions?
Did we rule with a heavy hand?
Did we throw away our freedom
To obey at one’s command?

Freedom must be for everyone
To live the way they please
For freedom, my friends, is absolute
Not measured by degrees.

To force freedom on a foreign land
Will always be rejected
For freedom you see can never be forced
But only be protected

Listen to me America
Here what I have to say
The freedom you had was never stolen
But only given away

When you expect your government
To do what you should do
They form another agency
And pass the cost to you

Can you afford the luxury
Of doing your very least?
For government is all-consuming
‘tis the nature of the beast

Pay more heed to history
Or freedom cannot last
The answer to your future
Will be discovered in your past
What will you tell your children
When they ask what I symbolize?
Will you explain to them what they have missed?
Can you look them in their eyes?

Her voice began to falter
The mob began to shout
The tears flowed freely down her face
As Freedom’s torch burned out.

                                           By Avis Butman
Miss Liberty Speaks