are the flowers in the garden of life"

This one is for my
best friend, Gemini Just
click on the Bears
to see her page To
Gemini, who made me cry when I saw her page. Yes,
I do believe in fate and destiny. Someone
or something surely brought us together. And
I thank God everyday that I have you for a friend.

I met Gemini on the internet
in a chat room. Over the months we became fast friends and found that our
lives had basically been running parallel. We have many common interests.
In February, I flew to Texas to meet her. It was astonishing! I knew
who she was as soon as I stepped off the plane and into the airport. It
was just a feeling. Twilight Zone if you wish to think of it that way.
We both had a great time even though it wasn't a long visit.
Gemini & Breezy 3/1/97
"Aren't we a pair?"

Some of my other internet friends

These pictures are of RockingV &
FuzzyBear and Jakette