Our page at the new addy is currently up and running, so if you know us and got here by bookmark....you may want to update because as soon as we finish transfering the rest of our files....this page will no longer exsist.
You see.....we have been accused by geocities of having a (and I quote) "Hate/defamation of character page"(at a differant address) so they tore it down with NO WARNING of any kind to give us a chance to change it..case of SURPRISE!!! WE YANKED YOUR PAGE AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT THAT IS TOO DAM BAD!!! SO SORRY YOU LOST ALL YOUR FILES YOU HAD UPLOADED!!!.....AND we (along with every other geo-citizen) have been FORCED to get a yahoo I.D. to access our files (which we did not want..if we wanted a yahoo ID we would have gotten one long ago)
A note to anyone who may work for geocities that reads this.....all you MORONS had to do was send a email stating that you did not agree with that page and we would have humbly bowed in apology and changed it.....instead you yank it with NO warning to us of any kind.....and since then we have PERSONALLY sent pages to you that are in "violation" as you call it of your guidlines and yet you do NOTHING to those people....people whos index pages say "I moved in on 9-22-97" and that is all.....or the ones who have nothing but porn uploaded ......so in short geocities.......
We tell ANYONE who will listen about your tactics, and we STILL have and always will have the email between you and us after you pulled our page which shows URLs in geocities that are in violation and yet still stand firm to this day (and yes we check every so often to see) even after you replied with a "thank you and we will take care of it" and we send them to ANYONE who asks for them.....