IMPORTANT: The contents of the ADOPTED page were lost or destroyed in early 2000. I am rebuilding this page, my greatest tribute to these wonderful senior dogs.
NGA's Fresh Review
7/16/88 - 10/29/02
Barbie Jade was placed in PA by CIGA/QCGA in Illinois.
LITTLE LADY JESS was placed in Ohio and FLYING BOMBS was placed in Pennsylvania by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds.
CARMENS CAPER was placed by Golden Years Senior Greyhound Referral Program. Carmen waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
RIGHT TRIXIE was placed by Golden Years Senior Greyhound Referral Program. Sweetea waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
BERNICE MAE, known as ODESSA, was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and waits at the Bridge.
TALLY UP was placed by Greyhounds Galore in Macon GA.
STEEL TECH (special needs) was placed by Greyhounds Galore in Macon GA.
SISCO BUDDY was placed by Quad Cities Greyhound Adoption in Rock Island IL. Buddy waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
Nasty News was placed by QCGA/Golden Years. Cassie waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
Star Dust Legend was placed by QCGA/Golden Years. Dusty waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
NETTIE was placed by USA Dog in Georgia.
RIGHT SWEET was placed in PA by Quad Cities Greyhound Adoption, and now waits at the Bridge.
PAUL'S WINDY D was placed by Quad Cities Greyhound Adoption in Rock Island IL. Paul waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
JIMBO PAMALA was placed by Quad Cities Greyhound Adoption in Rock Island IL.
HENRY was placed by GreysLand Greyhound Adoption in Hopkinton, MA.
SAGE was placed by GreysLand Greyhound Adoption in Hopkinton, MA.
GREY'S CYNTHIA was placed by The Greyhound Hotel in Wayland, Michigan.
MY DAD CHRIS was placed by Greyhound Retired Racers, Inc. (GRR) in Athens, Alabama.
COMMANDER POWER was placed by QCGA/Golden Years.
Sisters LOUISE and SASSY EYES were placed together by Homes for Hounds in Waldport, Oregon.
MICAH, MOLLY, ROLLINS were placed by Greyhounds Unlimited in TX.
TIMMY, SILAS, and SHELBY were placed by Greyhound Friends in Hopkinton, MA.
DIMMIT was placed by Pups Without Partners in Kansas City, Kansas.
WINDSOR was placed by Deb Rosenberg in Maine.
SNOW was placed by Shamrock Foundation in Louisville, Kentucky.
HOLLY was placed by Shamrock Foundation in Louisville, Kentucky.
JEWEL was placed by Greyhound Adoption Service, Inc. of Salisbury, Massachusetts.
SHYLO was placed by Greyhound Adoption Service, Inc. of Salisbury, Massachusetts.
Reba, Karly, Thunder, and Steel were placed by Homes for Hounds in Oregon.
RIO was placed by GPA-Springfield in Springfield, MO. Rio waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
AGGIE (NGA's Halfofanegg) was placed in Michigan by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Maggie waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
HEATHER (NGA's Answerto Heather) was placed in Michigan by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds.
CRICKET (NGA's Ski's Cricket) was placed by Quad Cities Greyhound Adoption in Illinois, and now waits at the Bridge.
BRITTANY (NGA's No Prisoners) was placed in Michigan by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Brittany waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
MY TANGO was placed by Greyhound Placement Service in Goffstown, N.H.
BL BUSHWHACKER (Bones) was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and went to the Bridge on February 14, 2004.
SMOKE was placed in Ohio through private adoption.
RACHEL POOH was placed by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds in Ohio. Rachel waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
KAROLINE DRIVE was placed in Michigan through private adoption.
BIG GUY was placed by Peoria Greyhound Adoption in Illinois.
LEXI was placed by GPA-OK.
HONEY was placed by GPA-OK.
CABOT was placed by Greyhound Adoptions of Florida in Eustis FL.
BROKEN FLUSH (Sadie) was placed by Team Toledo in Ohio.
JACKIE was placed by Greyhound Adoption of Ohio, Inc.
JUNIE was placed by Greyhound Placement Service in Goffstown NH.
BIG TAR MUFFIN and TEEN TRAVELLER were placed by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds in Ohio. Muffin waits at the Rainbow Bridge (January 30, 2004). Shibby (Teen Traveler) waits at the Bridge (May 20, 2004).
Aunt Annie was placed by Quad Cities Greyhound Adoption in Rock Island, Illinois.
SALLISAW INDE was placed by Quad Cities Greyhound Adoption in Rock Island, Illinois, and waits at the Bridge.
TJ and Sunny were placed by Brigitte B. Cooper in Florida. Together, they wait at the Bridge.
RK's Darby was placed by Quad Cities Greyhound Adoption in Rock Island, Illinois.
SAIL found his forever home through Northwest Canadian Greyhound League, and now waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
ROSEY'S TOMMY (Midnight) was placed in New York through Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and now waits at the Bridge.
SIXTY-FIVE DIVE was placed in New York through Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Diva waits at the Bridge (June 7, 2003).
SPECORAMA (Spice) was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and waits at the Bridge.
RC RASCAL SPEED was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, then rehomed to New York, where he continued his work as champion bed warmer. Rascal waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
GREYS O'HARA (Goldie) was placed in New York by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Goldie waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
BENCHLEY was placed in Washington by her original adopter with assistance from Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Benchley waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
HJ's GOLDEN DUST was placed by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Goldie waits at the Bridge.
GREYS BERETTA was placed by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Beretta waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
ST CROIX REVA was placed by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Reva waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
SGS Hudson Hawk was placed by GPA Springfield, MO.
JOLENE was placed by GPA Springfield, MO.
MANX was placed by GPA Springfield, MO.
RIO was placed by GPA Springfield, MO, and now waits at the Bridge.
BEEGEE OKIE, NIMBY SPAZZ, NIMBY CHECKERS, JOEY THE GOALIE, and FANCY TAPPER were placed by St. Croix Meadows Greyhound Park Adoption Center in WI.
SMILES was placed by The Greyhound Gang in Utah.
JEWELS MAJOR* was placed by Dairyland Greyhound Park Adoption Center in WI.
MYA was placed by GPA-OK.
DUSTY was placed by GPA-OK.
LG TRACY RUMOR was placed by GPA-OK.
ZINGER was placed by GPA-OK.
LITTLE GIRL was placed by Greyhounds Unlimited in Texas, and now waits at the Bridge.![]()
NXS EDEN ROC was placed in Minnesota by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and now waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
ION CORVETTE was placed in New York by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Corey waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
CAMILLE was placed in New York by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and now waits at the Bridge.
FLAT ROCK MOLLY was placed by GPA-Springfield.
Crystal was placed by GPA-Springfield, and now waits at the Bridge.
DIGHTON DEXTER B was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Dexter waits at the Rainbow Bridge.![]()
FLYING JUPITER was placed by GEM in Mighigan.
SWEET MAGNOLIA was placed by GEM in Mighigan.
CISCO HANNAH was placed by GEM in Mighigan.
N's FANCIETHAT was placed by GEM in Mighigan.
Oh So Frisky was adopted by Holly Glassburn from GOInc. in June 2002.![]()
ONE NIGHT GRACE was placed in PA by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Gracie waits at the Bridge.
AMBER BUTTE was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and waits at the Bridge.
ANN was placed in PA by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and now waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
NOBLE RAPIDS is a special needs girl with a calcified break to the right rear hock. Rapids was placed by CIGA in Illinois.
Prize Package, a special needs boy, was placed by Greyt Rescues in Indiana.
Eight year old Hi Headbanger, call name JR, was adopted with assistance from Kate Bressler.
TX's Hideaway, who has Pannus, was adopted with assistance from Kate Bressler.
Chyna, who has a seizure disorder, was adopted with assistance from Kate Bressler.
Daffy, who had misshapen front legs prior to costly orthopedic surgery, has been adopted with assistance from Kate Bressler.
Clubhouse was adopted with assistance from Kate Bressler.
Nine year old Danielle was placed by Greyhound Adoption of Ohio, with assistance from Kate Bressler.
STEPHANIE, an 11 yr old brindle female, was placed by GPA-OK (Tulsa).
MRS. TRUMP, an 11 yr old brindle female, was placed by GPA-OK (Tulsa), and now waits at the Bridge.
Rodeo Keystone was placed by QCGA in Illinois.
LEGS ZOEY was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds.
BAR X BETTY was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds.
SARGEANT GAIL was placed in New York by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds, and now waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
FLYING PEACHES was placed in Pennsylvania by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds.
PAT C INEZ was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Inez waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
EG BRENDABOO was placed in Ohio by Golden Years Senior Greyhounds. Brenna waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
OAKLAWN DJ was placed by GPA-NY.
OHK TAOS was placed by GPA-NY.
PAT C FLUTTER was placed by QCGA in Illinois.
GREYS TWO STEP was placed in Ohio by QCGA, with assistance from GYSG.
Twelve year old Isabelle and eleven year old Andrew were placed by Kathy and Steve Vining in New York.
Cookie was placed by GPA Houston.
Rocky was placed by GPA Houston.
COMFORT STYLE "Collins" was placed with assistance from Kate Bressler.
HERCULES was placed by Hemopet Kennel in Southern California.
FEDERAL EXPRESS "Peanut" was placed by FastTrack Greyhound Adoptions in New York.
REBECCA JO waited for a home for more than two years, and then she couldn't wait any longer. Now she waits at the Bridge.
SONNY ADNEY, whelped 04/05/90, waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
FLYING BREAKY, April 4, 1992 - July 10, 2000, waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
KENYA waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
Waitin To Exhale, known as Anna Banana, waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
Balidancer waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
Felix waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
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