This is my page, simple as it is. Enjoy the pictures!

Leslie, Dan and Sam (3 1/2 months old)

Lauren at age 16 months.

Sam at 3 years old. He really loves his baseball cap!

Sam at 4 years old. These are the carrots we tried to grow!

Lauren at 2 yrs 3mo. She just didn't get the carrot thing.

Enjoying being together. A rare moment. (The water is yellow from a kid's product called 'Tub tints.')

Dan after an awards ceremony for HP at Walt Disney World, November 2003.

Leslie after the awards ceremony at Walt Disney World, next to a very nice floral display. They were EVERYWHERE in the hotel!

Sam showing off his new spiky hair style. 6 years old.

Lauren with her itty bitty Halloween pumpkin, which she said was supposed to be Celia from Monsters Inc. (4 years old).

I don't know that Mickey will ever be the same...

Please come back soon and visit me.

My kids love Harry Potter, too! I made these costumes - including the knitted scarf...

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