708 Broadway, New York City

Rosemary Richmond (Mohawk)
AICH Executive Director

Joanna Osburn-Bigfeather (Cherokee/Apache)
Gallery Director and Curator of Exhibitions

"Big Chief Remains" (c)1992
Joanna Osburn-Bigfeather

Ceramic Relief
Raku 17" x 24"

(Not in current show)

For more information on the current and future shows at the AICH Gallery, contact:

Joanna Osburn-Bigfeather, M.F.A.
Director and Curator of Exhibitions
Telephone 212-598-0100 ext. 240

Current Show

Northeast Meets Northwest:
Contemporary Art of Alaska
April 18 - June 28, 1997
Opening Reception: Friday, April 18, 6-8 p.m.
Artist Talk: Saturday, April 19, 2-3 p.m.

 "Mask Maker"

3½" x 1¼" x ½", Mixed Media


Denise Hottinger Wallace (Sugplag)

Artists in Current Show

Larry Ahvakana, Inupiaq/Inuit (Sculptor)
Susie Bevins, Unupiat (Sculptor)
Jerry Laktonen, Koniag (Mask Maker)
Larry McNeil, Tlingit/Nishka (Photographer)
Susie Silook, Siberian Yupik (Sculptor)
Denise Wallace, Sugplag (Jeweler)

Contributions to support the Community House's programs for Native arts, education, job training, and health will be gratefully received and acknowledged. AICH has been designated a 501c(3) nonprofit organization by the IRS, and most contributions are tax deductible.

To make a donation, call the American Indian Community House at 212-598-0100 extension 240.

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Please visit the Gallery and Museum in person soon! 

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