New 2009 Promotion with GolfDigestTeeTimes.com Save up to 60% on Golf! Get a discount on the membership fee - only $29.95 per year - use LHG as the promo code.
May 9th, 2009 16th Annual Michigan Lefty-Righty at Salem Hills Golf Club Northville, MI Click for Entry
August 4 - 7, 2009 Michigan Lefties host the 74th Annual National Left-handed Golf Association Tournament - to be held at the Lakes of Taylor Golf Course, 25505 Northline Road, Taylor MI. Information and Entry
August 22 & 23, 2009 Michigan Lefty State Tournament - to be held at Forest Akers GC (MSU) in East Lansing, MI - Click for Entry
Photos from the MALG 2008 State Tournament
National events and other state tournaments can be found on the NALG website
2009 Cincinnati Lefties Schedule of Outings Click Here
Deepest sympathy to the families of John Basinski, Jim Becker, Bob Jaffe and Art Pearson, Michigan Lefty golfers who passed away since the 2007 tournament.
Contact Bob Wolf for more information about the Lefty organization. 248-624-6997.
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Thanks to Clifford Peay, longtime Michigan Lefty shown here at the August Tournament with Dave Maga. |