Our Family Pets (Kirby and Bear)  

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Want to ask more about our pets? send email to kirbybear@poboxes.com

photography by John Locus Photography Collinsville,IL; proceeds to ARRF (Animal Rescue and Relief Foundation) 

We have had many pets over the years. A couple of years ago, we even raised hamsters to sell. We had over 120 little friends at one time. Currently, we only have tropical fish and two dogs, Kirby and Bear. Here is the 1996 Christmas picture of our dogs. 

Kirby is a retired greyhound.He was retired at 18 months of age with only seven races to his name, which was Flipper back then. He raced at Daytona Beach in Florida, but we adopted him from an agency called Greyhound Companions of MO . Retired greyhounds make terrific pets. There is probably an greyhound adoption agency near you

Bear is a AKC registered golden retriever. We purchased him 'used' at 6 months old. We had him neutered because he has a hip condition known as hip dysplasia. Goldens are so smart. He has learned how to open the trash can, the big rascal. His biggest plus point is he fetches the morning paper and places it on the kitchen table; this saves us from going out into the bitter cold. In addition to all this, he is a very loving and tolerant fellow.

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