My Great-Grandfather
Pvt. Daniel Augustus GEIGER

128th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment

Served in 128th PA Infantry Regiment from Aug 15, 1862 to May 19, 1863.
In the battles @ Antietam,MD and Chancellorsville, VA.
Captured @ Chancellorsville and prisoner @ Libby Prison, VA.
Exchanged to Union Forces on May 12, 1863.

He also served in 1st PA Cavalry Regiment (44th PA Vols.), 2nd Cavalry Division,
from Feb 6, 1864 to Aug 1, 1865, on Gen. U.S. Grant's Overland Campaign.
In battles @ Todd's Tavern; Childsburg; Ashland Station; Yellow Tavern;
Haw's Shop; Cold Harbor; and The Trevillian Raid.
Captured on June 21, 1864, south of White House Landing, VA,
near Tunstall Station during the "Battle of Black Creek".
Prisoner @ Belle Isle, VA; ANDERSONVILLE, GA; and Florence,SC.
Released from captivity Feb.24, 1865 @ Aikens Landing, VA.
Mar. 1, 1865, furloughed from Camp Parole, MD, for "30 days of recuperation".
Discharged from 2nd PA Prov. Cav. on Aug. 1, 1865 @ Louisville, KY
returned to Camp Curtain, Harrisburg, PA and released from service.

First Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment

Pvt. Franklin GEIGER

Daniel's brother was a member of 'K' Company,
151st PA Infantry, he was killed at Gettysburg on the afternoon of July 1, 1863,
"very near the spot where Gen. Reynolds was killed."

151st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment

My favorite Civil War sites:

Civil War In Miniature

The American Civil War Homepage

The Civil War Trust

The Civil War Archive

U.S. Civil War Center

Union Army Regimental History Index

Library of Congress' Civil War Photographs

U.S. Army Military History Institute

National Archives-Civil War Research

Gettysburg Information Site

First Defenders C.W.R.T.

6th PA Cavalry (Rush's Lancers)

Civil War Rountable of Eastern Pennsylvania

Schuylkill Co. Civil War Discussion Group

Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Civil War

Pennsylvania in the Civil War

Civil War Book News

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