of the

Marine Corps Aviation Association

'Grey Ghosts 1942-1985' by William S Warren

"Wind Beneath My Wings"

This is the Homepage of the 531 Gray Ghost Squadron
of the Marine Corps Aviation Association.

A group of MARINES, and associates, who served in the
United States Marine Corps Fighter Squadron 531(Grey Ghosts).

The squadron designations were: VMF(N)-531, VMF(AW)-531 and VMFA-531.

On 25 July 1942, the first Marine night-fighter squadron of 12 planes was authorized for 1 January 1943. Major Schwable was designated commanding officer of the squadron, which was numbered VMF(N)-531. Cherry Point was selected as the location for forming the squadron, a process that began on 1 October 1943.

The first aircraft accepted were the twin-engined Vega Ventura (PV-1, Navy designation). The squadron was commissioned at U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NC, on 16 November 1942. Lt. Col. Schwable had Major John D. Harshberger as his executive officer along with three other officers and forty-six enlisted men.

Squadron Association Officers

Commander: Sheldon Simonovich

Vice Commander: Art Richardson

Secretary: Larry Bowker

Treasurer: Neil Still

Membership: Dick Lowe

Ghost Lore Editor: Jill Dennis

MCAA 531 Gray Ghost Squadron Application Form

To request a copy of the organization's newsletter (Ghost Lore),
click on the 'Ghost Lore Editor' link to send us your Name & "Snail Mail" address.

"Time passes, we get older and memories begin to fade,
but fortunately, the 'ghosts' stay with us every day."

Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
531 Gray Ghost Squadron Honorary Scholarship

(An annual scholarship is available for children and grandchildren of former members of the Grey Ghosts.)

Send for an application.

Scholarship Chairman: Roy A. Pearson

Paul Hosick's


"Echo Charlie 3 On Target"

Presidential Unit Citation * Navy Unit Commendation * Vietnam Service Medal
April - July 1965

U.S. Marine Corps Ribbons

MCAA Gray Ghost Squadron LINKS

Gray Ghost Squadron Items

Gray Ghost Squadron's Awards and Web Rings

Our newest Award

The Gray Ghost Squadron POW/MIA Memorial Page

Major General Marion E. Carl Memorial

Grey Ghost Memories

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Roy F. Gehris
VMFA-531 '63-'65

© Copyright Aug. 8, 1997


This website and all of its contents are the sole property of the 531 Gray Ghost Squadron.

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