I'm Rabgal. It's derieved from Rabbit (I'm sure you've figured that one out by now!) This page allows my ego it's 15 minutes of Andy Warhol promised fame. So, why Rabbit? Lots of reasons, some I will share, some I won't. I chose the name mainly because of the character I played in my first Community Theatre production which was Winnie-The-Pooh. See, that's me on the left as Rabbit, with my pals, Wol; Eeyore; Pooh; and Piglet singing "Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie, A Fly can't Bird, but a Bird Can Fly, Ask Me A Riddle and I Reply, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie." Since that first venture on to the stage, I've participated in numerous other productions (on-stage & behind the scenes too). A few of my favourties were: Little Shop of Horrors; The Mice Have Been Drinking Again; Rainbow Jones; Peter Cottontail; The Dining Room; Midsummer Night's Dream; Pizza - A Love Story; The Wild Guys; and my very favourite .... Grease (I was Frenchie).

I'm a 30-something mom with two little bunnies. I grew up the youngest of 5 (consequently, I'm a spoiled brat) on beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia - one of the rainiest spots on earth. Take a glimpse at my beautiful province. Click on our provincial flag to tour Super Natural British Columbia. I'm a Georges P. Vanier Secondary School graduate of the Class of '87 ..... Any alumni out there?? E-me! I'm back at my homebase after spending 15 years away; 10 of them in the geographic centre of BC - VANDERHOOF, one click on the name will bring you along Highway 16.

I love to give! I firmly believe it's better to give than to receive. For the off-beat and wonderful in FREE cyber gifts, give these links a try. Where only the thought counts!


Virtual Vacation
Virtual Present
Voodoo Doll Animal

I love see what's new & free on the web. I hope you'll check out some of these Freeware & Shareware gold mines:

Happy Puppy Games
Game Hippo

The internet is such an amusing way to pass the time. The places I like to visit are too numerous to list. I don't think anyone can see them all. Here are a few that I give the coveted Rabgal Seal of Approval.

paw The Daily Wav - If you like wav files, this is the place to go. A new wave is featured daily, plus the archive is full of wonderous sound clips ..... "Use The Force, Luke!"

paw Urban Legends -Do you want the truth? You can't handle the truth!

paw Death Clock - We're all going to die eventually, might as well find out when.

paw Tickle Tests - Formerly this site is full of fun, entertaining personality tests including "The Ultimate Personality Test" - are you a Movie Star? Observer? Shark? Sky Diver? Me? I'm "The Chosen One".

paw The Book of Cliches - Now, you'll always know the right thing to say

paw Misunderstood Lyrics - Lay Low, I'm down on my knees, Lay Low! I confess, I used to think that's what Eric Clapton was singing.

paw Word Play - I love words, I love word play .... mnemonics, homonyms, anagrams, acronyms, palindromes, sniglets, oxymorons ...... You get the drift; I'm a word-nerd!

paw Wall O'Shame - Stories that really prove that truth is definately stranger than fiction.

* * *
Got some time to spare; feeling like surfing for fun & interesting time-wasters - always entertaining of course! You gotta try these:

star Darwin Arwards - Let's call it stupid people tricks.
star Trivia Wars - Woah! I wonder if Ken Jennings studied here?!
star oo - Yep, that's what its called.
star Computer Stupidties - Here you can have a laugh at the stories and anecdotes about clueless computer users; You just my feel better about yourself.
star Brain Candy - Geez, what isn't here? They've got slogans, jingles, momisms, stupid questions, blonde jokes, dying words, full-deckisms ....
star E-How - Clear Instructions on How To Do (just about) Everything
star Random Joke Server - One joke right after the other...randomly, of course.

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