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Welcome to the Tosh Family Page!
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We hope you'll stop back often as our page is constantly under construction!
Since the first day of spring (March 20th) 1997 you are visitor #
Notice the rock garden in the front yard! My daughter, Toni and I hauled the rocks (OVER 1000 pounds) for this project!!!
I have 2 children living!
Carl is 19,
and daughter Toni is 13!
photos to follow soon!
Click the name to learn more about that person!
Terri's Family History, come on in! I'm constantly adding to this page!
I'll be adding pages to this section as I am also interested in cross-stitch, gardening (veggies & flowers), and birds! I was lucky enough to see MY first hummers this summer!
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Laura, thank you for your graphics!

The Brule County Page at SDGENWEB!

Barbara Pierce's Homepage

Some backgrounds and graphics Copyright © JPayne 1997 "The Graphic Station"
"The Graphic Station"