EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts Options, May 2003
Acadia University, Wolfville NS
Major: Canadian Studies Minor: Recreation

Sport Event Congress, Ottawa ON
Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance, May 2004
Aboriginal Awareness Certificate, February 2003
Aboriginal Awareness Workshop, Lennox Island PEI
Special Event Coordinator Certification, February 2001
Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador


  • Public/Media Relations consultant for clients
    • Identify the issue(s) or message(s)
    • Identify the target audience(s)
    • Develop, implement and manage a communication/PR strategy
    • Utilize all professional and personal media contacts to implement communications strategy
    • Prepare and develop press/media releases and media kits for distribution
  • Prepare, develop, organize manage and market sporting and non-sporting (special) events: including the preparation, evaluation, development and implementation of the event bid, proposal, event plan, budget, communications strategy, marketing strategy, as well as other components of the event, and the logistics of the event
    • Identify and evaluate each component of the event and develop a plan of action for each one
    • Develop a marketing and communications strategy for the event by identifying the potential audience(s) and design and develop appropriate method of implementation and advertising
  • Event management consultant for sporting, non-sporting, and special events and festivals
    • Review and evaluate the event, event plan, event organization, and its components as well as the logistics of implementing it
    • Evaluated, developed and searched out financial assistance and contributions through both public and non-public means
  • Web site design and development consultant
    • Identify the message and idea of the web site
    • Design the layout and graphic work of the web site
    • Design the graphics for the web site
    • Design and maintain (web master) the web site
    • Review client’s current web site and evaluate its message, graphic design, layout, user-friendliness, functionality, and form
Marketing/Sponsorship/Communications Coordinator
004 World Broomball Championships............................................Jan. 2004 – Dec. 2004

Responsible for the evaluation, preparation, development and implementation of the marketing strategy, sponsorship program, and public relations/communications plan. For the sponsorship program, I evaluated and reviewed other sponsorship programs, followed by evaluating its purpose and goal for this event in conjunction with other stakeholders. Afterwards, prepared and developed a sponsorship program specifically for this event in an effort to attain its goal of raising $100,000+. Once developed, it was evaluated and the program was designed, so that the program, through its package, would raise financial and in-kind contributions through corporate sponsorships, which requires networking with various stakeholders, including those in the public and private sectors.

Responsible for the marketing of the Championships – preparing, evaluating, developing, implementing and managing the marketing plan/strategy, by utilizing sponsors, media, and other stakeholders in an effort to market to each identified target market. Developed a two-fold marketing process. Firstly, marketing the event and region to national and international teams, and national organizations, in an effort to attract teams to the event. Secondly, marketing the event itself to local, provincial, and regional audiences using various marketing tools.

Responsible for the public and media relations of the Championships - preparing, evaluating, developing, implementing and managing the daily press/media releases, public relations and community awareness plan and overseeing the day-to-day activities. Utilizing local, provincial and national contacts to maintain a consistent and reliable flow of communication and information about the event. Handle and advised all incoming enquiries, as well as setting up interviews, photo ops, and handling all incoming and outgoing Championships’ issues other related activities.

Responsible for the preparation, design, development, and management of the web site, and the web site’s graphic work. Assisted with the management and logistics of the event and coordination of the various host-organizing committees. Responsible for the event’s language services - from recruiting translators and interpreters, to managing and implementing the language services division. Overseeing the translation of documents, and matching interpreters with teams and officials before and during the event.

Marketing/Event Coordinator
Commonwealth 2000 Judo Championships......................................Jan. 2000 - Aug. 2000

Evaluated, prepared, developed and then outlined the marketing strategy, public relations/communications plan, sponsorship program, merchandising plan, and box office, to the volunteer Marketing Committee. Once approved, managed and implemented the marketing strategy that consisted of identifying each target market and formulating a message for each one. Each market was evaluated and an action plan was developed, evaluated, and implemented with tasks and timelines for each of the markets. In conjunction with each of the action plans, a public relations/communications plan was developed and implemented. Managed the logistic of the public relations/communications plan. This included information/public relations’ advice, press releases, press conferences, advertising ideas, design and layout, media contacts, community awareness and partnering with sponsors, and other marketing and communications tasks and activities.

In additional, the sponsorship program was evaluated and developed, and a sponsorship package was designed and forwarded to potential local, provincial and nation sponsors, as well as local, provincial, federal governments and government agencies, including ACOA, HRDC, and others. Followed up with contact in an effort to show the value of partnering with the Championships and other potential sponsors.

Assisted in the volunteer plan and program, including with recruitment and training of volunteers. Developed and designed an orientation package for volunteers.

Evaluated the event plan and the logistics of the entire event, in conjunction with event stakeholders. Presided over weekly meetings with each committee chair or a committee member to ensure the flow of the event was going smoothly as possible. Understood and was aware of the budget and its income and expenditures, and its impact on the entire event, as well as the marketing plan. After the event, wrote a detailed evaluation and recommendation report for stakeholders.
The Western Star newspaper......................................................June 1999 - Jan. 2000

A contract position where sports, city and regional events, were assigned and written; also, reported and wrote on the subjects of human interest, Information Technology, and Politics. Photojournalist
  Box Office Project Assistant
1999 Canada Winter Games Host Society........................................May 1998 – Apr. 1999

Prepared, evaluated and supervised various aspects of the development and implementation of the Box Office. From the design of the tickets, and the ticket booklet to training and supervising box office supervisors, staff and volunteers. Maintained a detailed budget and record of sales and inventory, of all tickets and passes. Monitored tasks and time lines as they relate to the Box Office Program as well, became familiar with and monitor budget expenditures. Analyzed all sales reports and presented summaries to the Marketing Manager, General Manager and F.O.G./Marketing Vice-President. Wrote evaluation report.


  • Public Speaking
  • Leadership skills and ability
  • Ability to take the initiative
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Multitasking
  • Negotiating and problem solving
  • Fundraising
  • Various word processing applications and spreadsheets.
  • Accounting and auditing finances; plus other office duties
  • French
  • Acadia Advantage
  • Windows software, including various applications
    • Window XP, 98, operating system
    • MS Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)
    • WordPerfect, MS Works, Quattro
    • Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, Netscape
    • Act 6.0, Palm Desktop
    • Many others
  • Apple/Mac hardware and software, including various applications
    • Internet Explorer, Safari, Netscape, Firebird
    • MS Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Entourage)
    • iTunes, iPhoto, iChat, iDVD, QuickTime, Real Player
    • Many others
  • Web site and graphic design, layout and construction
    • Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Adobe Illustrator 10.0, Coreal Draw
    • Adobe GoLive 6.0, Dreamweaver, MS FrontPage
    • QuarkXpress, Adobe PageMaker, other Desktop Publishing software, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Freehand
    • Presentation & trade show software and hardware
  • Windows & Apple/Mac networking software
  • Many other Windows and Apple hardware and software


  • Senior Baseball Player, 2004
    • Team: Schwartz Source for Sports Hawks
  • CBC Radio, Corner Brook & Western Newfoundland & Labrador
    • Commentator/Analyst, 2004
  • PC Party of Newfoundland & Labrador, 2003
    • Developed, designed, and maintained web site
    • Media & Technical committee member
  • Green Ribbon Campaign (Organ & Tissue Donation Awareness)
    • Frequent spokesperson about organ donation
  • Kidney Foundation of Canada
    • Frequent spokesperson about kidney transplantation and organ donation & tissue donation
    • Public Relations
  • Acadia University Debate Club, 2001-2002
  • Attended Federal Round Table Discussion on Post-Secondary Education in Ottawa ON, 2001
  • East Royalty (PEI) Minor Baseball Coach, 1997
  • Canadian Cancer Society Education Representative, 1997
  • Sherwood/Parkdale (PEI) Minor Baseball Coach, 1996
  • Charlottetown Minor Baseball Association Executive (Director of Program Planning), 1995
  • PEI Cerebral Palsy Public Relations Officer, 1994-1995
  • Charlottetown Minor Baseball Coach, 1994
  • Corner Brook Minor Baseball Coach, 1989-2001

REFERENCES: Given upon request