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Jesus - He loves you!

Want to learn more about this love?

Teen Stuff
(coming soon)

Tabernacle Times (Praise Chat Groups)

Wisconsin's Hot Spots:
"The Gathering"
Currently meeting in Richland Center, Wis. on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.

What's happening in Wisconson

That is to say, the Holy Spirit River in Wisconsin..

 Regional Worship Happenings (Courtesy of House of Hope, Madison (HeavenlyFruits.Org))

JD LadySword Productions
(web site design service)

Our trips to TACF
Youth trips we have taken to Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship

Sonshine Valley Ranch

Articles, Writings, and Interesting Reading

About Sandi Laufenberg

This counter was installed on 2-9-00.
This page was last modified on 2-9-00.